conduct disorder in children

  1. L

    New Also

    Hello all, I am also new here and just stumbled upon this site out of shear desperation for advice, insight, or maybe to feel as if I am not alone. I am married to a wonderful man and together we have 7 children, the typical his, mine and ours! As if that isn't enough, most of these kids...
  2. M

    New to website and have some ???'s

    Fixedsys' My name is Rachel and my 7 year old son(youngest of 4 children[9 year old twin girls and 13 year old son]) has been diagnosed with conduct disorder. He has come a long way with the help of therapy every other week and medication (Abillify and Medadate). We still have the "black...
  3. K

    Need Help

    I just cannot do this anymore. I am so tired. husband is no help, tries to justify difficult child's actions. I get the calls from school, I difficult child's calls. difficult child has no friends, trouble doing work in school. Mostly refuses to do it. Calls teachers names, gets kicked out recently on a daily basis. He is in S.E...
  4. L

    Hi I'm new, 6 y/o son has severe ODD (? CD)

    Title says it all. Been seeing doctors since he was 3 trying to figure out what was wrong. At first no one wanted to believe me, boys will be boys, after all. @.@ Well he's in kindergarten now, kicked out of regular school just before Christmas, now attends a sort of 'alternative elementary'...
  5. smallworld

    Ross Greene rocks!

    I had an opportunity to attend an all-day workshop yesterday with Dr. Ross Greene of The Explosive Child book fame. Although I've been a fan of his for years, it was amazing to hear him in person and understand more in depth why Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) is so important to...
  6. O

    Not Sure How To Get The Doctors To Listen.

    Hi, I'm new here thank you for letting me join in. I'm not sure I am putting this in the right part i don't use forums normally but I am in the biggest pickle ever... I will try my hardest to keep this short and sweet and not bore you to death... But I would love some input if you think my...
  7. S

    New here...and reeling from today's psychiatric visit

    I just have to say I love this site! Found it a few weeks back and am so relieved I'm not alone! My 3 year old DS is very oppositional and aggressive...we had thought that maybe he was simply a 'spirited' child until the last 6 months, where he's had some really miserable episodes of...
  8. W

    Very Torn

    I'm very new to this group, and haven't done this before. My 7 year old difficult child is currently in a residential facility here in Montana. He's been diagnosed with severe conduct disorder, reactive attachment disorder, adhd and dyslexia. I'm his adopted mom, his bio mom was abusive and neglectful, and...
  9. T

    Social Security and ADHD and ODD

    If a 14 year old is receiving services under IDEA at school and has been diagnosed with ADHD, Conduct Disorder, Depression and Low Self Esteem would they qualify for Social Security Disability? He has behavioral problems at school as well as problems completing assignments and turning in...
  10. A

    Medication after 2 visits?????

    Hey all, I have a question last week my son got diagnosed with adjustment disorder and conduct disorder. That was his first visit. Today he went for his second visit and she says we need to talk about medicating him for adhd. Now generally I would think this over for a good long while, and...
  11. W

    Just want 2 dr's to agree.

    neuropsychologist says my 7yr has had Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on left side of his brain. psychiatric. says he has AS. Pediat. says it's ODD. He had a brain MRI last week and showed nothing...SO Now what do we do?
  12. G

    just an update on whats been going on..

    I have been gone for a little while. My son went to visit his grandparents, which is what I feel he needed. He got spoiled by my parents and brother. His trip was all about him finally. So when I got to the airport my mom surprised me with a visit for 1 month. I could not belive she was...
  13. L

    help with 4yo daughter

    OK, my hubby is a Sparks leader with AWANA. I have nothing to do with AWANA, due to personal preference. Our oldest is in Sparks (hubby's group) and our youngest (daughter) is in Cubbies. Well, tonight they had to get hubby away from his group 3 times because daughter kept running away from her group...
  14. M

    What's the word -- confused? Frustrated? Angry?

    Hi, I am new here. I found the link and when I read the "soft place to land." I immediately signed on. I am not the biological parent of the 12 yo that's being best teacher. I hope that doesn't exclude me from this group. However, I am living with her in a family setting. There are...
  15. scaredofhim

    New here and need advice

    Hello. I am so glad I found this site because I desperately need some advice. This is going to be long and I do apologize. I have a 12 year old stepson. I have been in his life since he was 9 and we have him every other weekend. My husband told me that he has always had behavior problems, even...
  16. A

    new and need help

    good morning. I'm glad I found this site because we are at the end of our ropes right now. I need help and don't know where to go. I'm hoping that someone might recognize this situation and have any advice. I am a step-parent to a 13 y/o (difficult child 1). His father's life revolves around having to feed...
  17. mom_to_3

    Old Timer Here - Grandson Has Problems

    I have kept up with most of you all over the years, but have not had to post issues of my own. Our difficult child has a son that is 10 yrs. old. He is a difficult child thru and thru. I could see it from the beginning, honestly. When he was a toddler, I told his parents there were "issue's" and to watch for them and...
  18. M

    Out of home placement?

    Hello, today I just found this forum and heaven knows I desperately need it. This is my first post Background: my step son came to live full time with my husband and I this past January after we fought for custody since his mother was abusing him mentally, emotionally, and physically. She was...
  19. F

    Introduction and question

    Hi, {disclaimer: We're from Argentina, speak Spanish and some special terms I don't really know how to say in English} My 7-years old difficult child was just prescribed Risperdal, and while I was researching online about the drug I came to this site. The P-DR that prescribed it did not gave us an actual...
  20. B

    new to the site

    Mine and my wife's journey is much like yours. We adopted three children (siblings) out of the state foster care system. That was over five years ago. While the younger to children (now 10 and 12) have assimilated quite well, my oldest son (15 today) has progessively gotten worse. Diagnosed with...