
  1. TiredSoul

    Things are so bad right now

    Ever since we stopped his Concerta and have tapered off his Intuniv it has been beyond AWFUL!!! I don't know what to do. We cannot live like this another day. The only ADHD medication we haven't tried is Straterra. Should we at this point? It isn't going to solve anything quickly. I am so beyond...
  2. dirtmama

    just when i thought things couln't get worse

    per new psychiatrist, we have switched from abilify to risperdal. and went with-out concerta yesterday and this morning.(not pretty) i was thinking his abusive/manic/aggressive behavior maybe rebound. but after the morning of not being able to send difficult child to school. sending brother to grampa's house for the...
  3. A

    what does mania look like?

    Hey all - I've posted before about issues with-my son and school, but I have a different question tonight. I am beginning to suspect my 7 year old is bipolar. I will spare you all the long, long story of his various diagnosis and medications, but suffice it to say that RIGHT NOW he is diagnosis ADHD, although...