
  1. Chaosuncontained

    I hate meeting with the teachers...

    Carson (my ADHD wonder boy) is 9. Was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 4. Dad and I have joint custody of him and his two youngest siblings (our oldest is on her own and having her own awful problems). I have them part of the week, he has them the other part). Last year, right before school...
  2. T

    So tired of being hit by difficult child

    Hi, I'm exhausted and fed up today. difficult child generally is doing much better these days, especially at school. He has made a number of friends (including a BEST friend), he is doing great academically, and his anxiety level is way down. But, he is still hitting and threatening husband, easy child, and me on a...
  3. weatheringthestorm


    I know this is new, but has anyone used this medication? A co-worker's daughter started this and it has been a miracle drug for her. Since she and my son have some similar issues and behavior (like other ADD medications not really working, mood swings) we talked to his psychiatrist about trying this. The psychiatrist...
  4. H

    New to this board need help please

    My son is 14 and just started high school this year. He was diagnosed with adhd in 3rd grade. He was on medications until 5th grade. He is having major problems controlling his temper, the focusing has gotten better and his anger had as well until now. I so do not want to put him back on medications. He was...
  5. mama2boys

    New Member looking for advice

    Hi, my story is that we adopted our son from Russia at 9 months old. We knew right away that he was not a "typical" child. He never stopped moving. I use to kid about him being my on-the-go child. He talked early and with an incredible skill. He is bright, happy, full of joy at life. He is also...
  6. Janna

    Okay, The Concerta Wasn't It - medication Trial #2

    I should have known, going through this twice now, the medication trial is going to be a huge PITA. But, silly, stupid me, I thought, just thought, MAYBE, just MAYBE, this kid will be different, and a small stimulant will take all the worries away. Hello? Who was I kidding? He's still ADHD...
  7. M

    Need School Advise

    Help I need some advise from parents who have been there. My son J is in Kindergarten and is being violent towards adults and is destroying school property in his classroom. When J started school in November (after his discharge from the phospital) we had a behavior plan in place and outside...
  8. Big Bad Kitty

    Tink on Abilify

    She started out on Metadate, then Focalin. I told the doctor that while she was less hyper, she sure was nasty. We explored bipolar again, and agreed to try Abilify. Does this build up, or fast act like a stimulant? I'm not quite sure I notice much of a difference in her behavior, but she has...
  9. A

    HELP!! I am so confused.....

    I have a 12 yo difficult child. I have been on here in the past. He has been on medications for ADHD since he was 7. Then when he was 10 in 4th grade we moved to a new town. After the move he became a bit sad so the psychiatrist put him on Prozac. He became more depressed on that. So I took him off. A few month...
  10. L

    difficult child 2 is now 'an emergency' says psychiatrist

    Hardly know where to start. psychiatrist apparently finally saw the whole big picture today! History: Abusive Biodad and difficult child 1. difficult child 2 was diagnosis'ed BiPolar (BP) at age 9 (not 'official on paper'but treatment for it anyway) due to behaviors and mood swings, also put on IEP for emotional lability and dysgraphia. Put...
  11. 3

    Metadate questions?

    so here we go again.... Since September it's been (in addition to Lithium) Wellbutrin - didn't work, Concerta - didn't work and took away appetite, Seroquel - made him aggressive (but stopped the bedwetting), Adderal - put him on hyper warp speed, did nothing positive (bedwetting back again)...
  12. L

    Metadate CD/Ritalin

    We started "A" on Metadate CD 10 mg Sunday and the only thing that I have noticed is that we have had times of hysterical outbursts. He had three such outbursts on Sunday--none of which were related to anger or frustration that I could tell. They were all related to more sadness or...
  13. --Eleanor--

    ADD-advice on medications?

    We're off to see the pediatrician tomorrow for a medication check, and I'm going to lobby hard to try something other than Ritalin for my son. He basically can't stay on any task at all (particularly at school) without some kind of medications at this point, but he becomes a totally evil monster when he's...
  14. klmno

    seroquel and getting high

    I just came back from visiting difficult child in juvie. He was saying that kids on seroquel will sometimes cheek them, then use the seroquel as a bet while playing cards. He says the kids say it can make you high. Did everyone except me already know this? I'm kind of glad now that psychiatrist changed difficult child...
  15. M

    Fed Laws on prescribing controlled substance?

    Does anyone know the law on prescribing controlled substances? 13yr difficult child is on adderall.. we usually go to the doctors once every 3mths.. difficult child sees doctor he writes a script, the following 2mths i call up when month supply has ran out, doctor writes a new script for 30 day suppply, i pick it up...
  16. K

    Help I need help with my 4 year old

    I have posted here before a while ago. Things were going ok for a while but now I am in crisis. Josh my difficult child, is diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), odd, and pica. I really think that he has much more going on. His birth mom did meth and crack. He was severly negelcted before God placed him in our...