residental treatment center

  1. Hangry

    Not a parent, but mom and I are stuck

    Hi all, not sure if this is where to go. I (19ftm) have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, and have recently hit an intense low. I have been going to an outpatient therapist, with no progress. My therapist is recommending a residential treatment center and 24 hour care, which I’m willing...
  2. HopeFilledMama

    There is much more

    We went to my son's Residential Treatment Center (RTC) over the weekend to visit. For the most part, the visit went well. Monday we had family counseling. The focus was writing of house rules and consequences upon his (undetermined) discharge. The counselor had been on vacation for 10 days and had a report of some...
  3. HopeFilledMama

    New - Not Sure How To Feel...

    Where do I begin? 16 year old son, autism, adhd, type 1 diabetes, Hashimoto's, alopecia and severe sexual trauma at 12 years old. Recently PTSD responses to trauma as well as self-harm. I will call him J. When J was first diagnosed, I decided that no doctor, teacher or therapist was going to...