
  1. G

    should I be worried

    Yesterday difficult child II had MRI (finally) now we are waiting for results. But he still has been more and more violent with us. Yesterday he really had a bad melt down and threatened to kill me while I am sleeping with a knife. I was trying not to show that it bothered me but my Dad was there and he...
  2. L

    Who of you had to go on medications for yourself!!!!!

    I was just curious to know is there any of you who had to go on medications to help you cope with your difficult child? My sons psychiatrist has put me on SSRI to try and help me be less stressed, anxious, kind of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).....in general to help me have more patience and not loose it easily!!!! Ok....I was first on...
  3. 3

    Metadate questions?

    so here we go again.... Since September it's been (in addition to Lithium) Wellbutrin - didn't work, Concerta - didn't work and took away appetite, Seroquel - made him aggressive (but stopped the bedwetting), Adderal - put him on hyper warp speed, did nothing positive (bedwetting back again)...
  4. klmno


    psychiatrist just added abilify to the tegretol and lithobid. I told him I had made a parental decision and decided to try a few days without the naltrexone and things are looking good on that front. He told me that was fine- just keep some around in case cutting starts back. He also said it was ok to...
  5. Janna

    So Tell Me About The Uncommon medications

    that may be working for your kid. What do you do when you've tried them all? Dylan's hyperactivity and impulsivity are skyrocketing. We had him 6 full days over the holiday, and every person that came in contact with him said he seemed "10x worse", "ready to jump out of his skin", "couldn't...
  6. change

    difficult child home after a month in hospital

    Well... Picked daughter up Friday after much pestering for several days from me to the doctor at the hospital. Husband and I had weekend plans and we had a spot for her in a respite camp so we weren't sure what to do. The doctor finally decided to release her on Friday and also recommended we...
  7. T

    Experience with Trileptal?

    My son has just been weaned off of Depakote because it was causing him to have pretty bad tremors. The doctor now wants to start him on Trileptal. Does anyone have any experience with this drug? He'd be using it along with Abilify (20 mg) and Wellbutrin.
  8. R

    Scary giggles

    So difficult child 2 is working his way back to manic today. Actually starting seeing the signs on Thursday. Besides being incredibly obnoxious this morning he was giggling intermittently. At one point he said that everything was going too slowly. I said "is that because your thoughts are going fast?" and...
  9. J

    New Member Needs Help

    Hello everyone... Can anyone tell me if they have done a lock-out and had their child go to foster care and how it works. I am a single parent of two. My 11 year old daughter has adhd, depression and ODD. The ODD is horrible. My oldest daughter who is 17 has moved to friends of mine for the...
  10. L

    Absolutely dreading Tuesday..

    No one has said this to us, but I know in my heart if she can't bring herself to get back to class, she is pretty much done Grade 8...she will be brought work and assignments to the office, they will mark her as best they can..she will graduate, but it won't be the same... she probably won't go...
  11. M

    Medication Possibilities

    I was just wondering what possible medication combinations would work for a child diagnosed with anxiety (social, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and separation) and ADHD, AS signs and the possibility of underlying bipolar. I have to get back into the psychiatrist because the prozac just made him more oppositional and hyper so I didn't...
  12. G


    difficult child II has been so so SO BAD He is at the bottom of my steps right now hitting and kicking the wall, screaming at the top of his lungs that he hates me. My poor neighbors (we live in a townhouse), All because he went into the lake by our house with his new shoes and I made him take them off to...
  13. Tiapet

    Some questions about experiences/results with medications for ya'll

    I'd like to know any experiences you all may have had or can offer on the following: Invega- how long did it take to see any results? What were you using it for? Were are currently using it for mood stabilization and are not quite a month into it and I figure it's going to take time to get to a...
  14. flutterby

    Exciting night with difficult child 2...NOT!!! (VERY long)

    difficult child 2 and his family moved to another county. His girlfriend is in the town I live - the town difficult child 2 used to live in. difficult child 2 stayed with me last night and went to Homecoming with his girlfriend and was supposed to be home (with me) at 11:30pm. He feels like no one trusts him (and we don't with...
  15. P

    Need input before psychiatrist tomorrow

    Hi difficult child 2 has been on Abilify (very low dose) for a few years for impulsivity, getting in other kids' space etc. He has major focus issues. executive function etc. Stimulants made him miserable, have tried just about everything else. (Abilify is only AP though). We finally decided to...
  16. G


    difficult child II is still very unstable but luckily we've avoided going
  17. J

    She's back and it's not good.

    My pastor and his wife kept my difficult child for a couple days. Definately needed a break. She was given many chores and it was not a vacation like she thought it was going to be. They saw a 1/100th of the defiance that I see, but they at least saw a portion of it. Well, I talked with my friend and...
  18. P

    tell me about propranolol and amantadine

    HI Please tell me if you have any experiences with these drugs for your GDG. psychiatrist is considering for my youngest, who continues to have lots of problems with emotional dysregulation and a lot of impulsive behavior. We may need to take him off of Abilify because of weight gain. Amantadine...
  19. S

    Bipolar researcher failed to disclose fees from drug companies

    Anyone who has spent any time on bipolarkids.org/CABF will know who Joseph Biederman is. Not disclosing payments from drug companies when the rules require it is reason to question the reliability and/or validity of the research...
  20. weatheringthestorm

    difficult child refuses to do anything we say, sneaks out, etc

    I'm new to this site and have never tried a support group type thing. I'm really at my wits end. When my difficult child's mood swings into the mean version of him he explodes, argues over everything, hits things, etc. What frustrates me most is when he refuses to follow any direction. He won't even go...