
  1. R

    Anyone done this medication combo?

    difficult child 2 has moved into full blown Early Onset Bipolar 1 since starting school the beginning of Sept. A lot of mixed symptoms that culminated in aggressive rages. While I was pretty sure he would end up with a BiPolar (BP) diagnosis his psychiatrist was on the fence and stuck with the Mood Disorder not otherwise specified label until a...
  2. C

    Sara PA & Shari

    Sara nad Shari, I would really apprecaite your insight on a situation we are having with my son and the possiblitty of clonidine being the cause. Anyone else with comments or info please feel free to respond as well. Thanks. Sara, In reading your replies to others and myself, I have...
  3. K

    School called AGAIN

    Well, after the other night I told school, do NOT call me. Gave them husband's cell number, informed them he cannot answer, leave him a message and he will return the call. Please do not call me. Alex does not listen to me and I am not dealing with him. I KNOW husband will NOT tell me if school calls...
  4. crazymama30

    appetite increase

    Ever since increasing difficult child's abilify to 4mg (yes a small dose) his appetite has doubled, even tripled. Now this is the kiddo that I had to force to eat dinner, and many times he would skip lunch. He would eat a sandwich only for dinner. But now, look out. He eats lunch, dinner and a bedtime...
  5. Janna


    Ehh, I dunno, I'm not liking this drug. We started it Sunday. Anyone have any experience with it? The psychiatrist said when we start, at only 20 mg., it could stimulate Dylan. So, he said, if that happens, to increase the dose to 40 mg., that would calm him. I didn't ask (and am kicking myself now)...
  6. M


    So now it's pretty obvious difficult child has cervical dystonia which goes to upper back/shoulders as well. We stopped Geodon, and he's back on 15mg Abilify and 2 mg of Benztropin. I think dystonia abated a bit after a week or two of this dose of Benztropin, but far from 0. Very correlated with him...
  7. waytootired

    Experiences with Risperdal ?

    My difficult child is BiPolar (BP) & has been on Risperdal for about nine months. He has really been doing well on it as far as behaviors and NO big rages. Other than weight gain issues, he has tolerated this medication well. The last couple of months he has been complaining that his legs feel really weird. He has...
  8. J

    medications & Cholesterol

    Ok, I'm a little annoyed with the psychiatric office (even though I love this guy) for not calling me sooner with these results. He told me when they got the blood work he'd call if he had concerns, otherwise we'd talk at our next appointment (which was today). So, today he hands me the paper and...
  9. M

    difficult child 17 very destructive to house, etc

    What can be done (California) with difficult child 17 who breaks everything in house. Almost half the doors have huge holes in them, and last night another hole and hole in wall, and in a rage he broke some other things. I don't think police will do much but talk to him, been there done that.
  10. J

    Suspended from school for the rest of the year. Problems, Problems, more problems.

    difficult child didn't like that the teacher sent her to in-house for the day for being disrespectful, so she had showed everyone, a fraction of what I get at home. They couldn't believe it, 5 school administrators, social workers and teachers couldn't redirect her. She cursed and screamed and tapped her...
  11. A

    we switched medications and I see a change

    for the worse. Maybe. I hate this. Too soon to tell if it was a bad or good switch. We need some relief from these behaviors! difficult child has been switched from Risperdal to Abilify. He's been on 2 mgs at night. Today we added the 2 mg. in the a.m. He's weepy, being obsessive about needing a quarter...
  12. M

    Anyone like Geodon?

    I never read anything good about Geodon. Just wondering if anyone had success on this with their difficult children? My difficult child is 14, but we did a short trial of Geodon years ago, and he went a little biserk on it, so we stopped it. Just wondering if maybe we should try it again. difficult child was on Abilify and did...
  13. H

    Talked to doctor's office (not happy need advice)

    Now, we've established that Zyprexa at bedtime doesn't work for kiddo, right? Right. Hyper, leg pains, etc. She's also eating like a lumberjack, even when she's full she's still hungry. Called doctor's office. They want to cut back the Zyprexa to the previous 5mg taken at bedtime and add Abilify in...
  14. M

    ablfy dosage, strike 2

    So difficult child was on 7 mg through the second half of the school year and things were great. Then at the beginning of summer, due to circumstances I dont want explain in a public forum (pm me if u like), he was lowered to 5mg for 2.5 weeks, and meltdowns, out of control misbehavior started happening...
  15. flutterby

    psychiatrist appointment - new medications, new diagnosis, yada, yada, yada

    We saw the other psychiatrist in the practice because ours is on vacation. I was okay with that because I don't particularly like ours. So, this other psychiatrist is about 3 days older than dirt. Just sayin'. And she didn't listen to anything that difficult child said. I would repeat back exactly what difficult child said and...
  16. rosebud71

    questions about medications???

    My son has been hospitalized for just over a week due to his manic episodes and violent behavior. Some of you have told me about trying mood stabilizers . I discussed his medications with his social worker this morning and she told me that seroquel is used for both antipsychotic and a mood stabilizer...
  17. EStephens

    howdy again!

    difficult child had recently gotten to the point where he was almost uncontrollable at times. He would go into fits of rage where he would bash his head against walls or slam his hand into doors until I held him down and kept him from hurting himself. (It was harsh!). His doctor prescribed Respiridal...
  18. crazymama30

    Input on medications

    So difficult child currently takes 5mg abilify and 50mg vyvanxe in the morning, and 10mg abilify, 250mg Lamictal and 7.5mg melatonin as needed at night. We also give him 2mg abilify as needed when he gets out of control, but sometimes that is not cutting it. I have seen more acting out lately, more...
  19. Merfille

    Hi - for the second time but with new info.

    Good morning. I posted a hello last week, but other than replying to that, have been kind of in a whirlwind. I think I am more in a "taking" state right now with this forum than a "giving" one right now - everything is so new and we are trying to catch up quickly with all the information we...
  20. L

    difficult child 2 is now 'an emergency' says psychiatrist

    Hardly know where to start. psychiatrist apparently finally saw the whole big picture today! History: Abusive Biodad and difficult child 1. difficult child 2 was diagnosis'ed BiPolar (BP) at age 9 (not 'official on paper'but treatment for it anyway) due to behaviors and mood swings, also put on IEP for emotional lability and dysgraphia. Put...