10 1/2 pounds!


Active Member
Since last Monday.

When the kids went back to school the first week of September, I had vowed that I would start losing weight. I bought low fat, low cal stuff. Watched what I ate and starved! I was hungry all the time. I found myself with the shakes. I'm hypoglycemic. I did not do well at all. I lost a pound and gained it back several times.

Anyway, I started Atkins a week and a half ago and I lost 10 1/2 pounds already! Yee Ha!


Well-Known Member
Atkins works really well, and it's designed for people with blood sugar issues...keeps your levels consistent, and keeps you from getting too hungry.

My SO went on Atkins and lost over 100 lbs.



Ummm I found them!!!!

I really didn't want to but I believe those pounds came to my house.

Congrats but really I didnt' want them



Spork Queen
I lost 31 pounds in the last few months, mainly from having pneumonia. My doctor kept saying that I needed to eat small meals. I said, "Are you kidding??? This is the best weight-loss plan I've ever been on." :bravo:

Hard way to lose it, but it worked. Congrats on your loss.



Active Member
Sorry Beth.... :bag:

Thanks all!

Abbey, sorry 'bout the pneumonia. I've had it twice. It took months to fully rid it. Now, when I get sick, the first place it goes is to my lungs. Don't let any cold go to long without getting it checked out, now. Every cold I get turns to bronchitis, unless I get an antibiotic.


Well-Known Member
Congrats! It is really hard to lose weight!

I seem to have lost my mojo and I can not stop eating!! AGH! It is like I have a tape worm in there!