18 y/o daughter using pot and missing opportunities


one day at a time
18 y/o girls are notoriously hardheaded and constantly pushing the limits.

And boys too. And even 25 year old young men. It is astonishing the immaturity in our young people today, PCs and difficult children alike. We were much much further ahead at their age.

Some of our kids just choose to drift lower.

I am so glad that you wrote "choose". I think even with addictions, there is always a choice. There is a choice to get help or keep going down.

It sounds like you have your head on straight Amelia. And you don't know if your daughter is just going through a growing up phase or is headed for more serious problems. Only time will tell.

In the meantime, deciding what works for you is really all you CAN do. She is 18. She can do what she wants. You still have influence, so use it.

Keep us posted. I hope she starts turning around soon.