Hi and welcome, so sorry for your need to be here. I have been in a similar situation with my grandkids and their parents issues, domestic violence, drug addiction, no responsibility.
It’s a hard road to be on, that’s for sure.
There are no easy answers.
I agree with Copa that the situation you are in needs to stop, you are being taken advantage of and berated at the same time. That’s unacceptable.
She was recently in a domestic violence situation and it was really bad
CPS in my state considers this to be cause to remove a child, but it seems your daughter has moved on.
My husband and I want to just give her the baby back so she had to deal with something but hen we don’t want the baby to suffer with the insanity.
It’s a hard spot to be in. We don’t have legal rights as grandparents unless parents are determined unfit by the court, and we take on the caregiver role, (if we are selected by CPS). The baby is her responsibility. We know our adult kids all too well, we love our grandchildren, want the best for them and fear the worst. But ultimately, we have no control over how our grandkids are raised.
I miss work consistently because I have to watch the baby. My daughter just got done calling me a loser, miserable, etc. this is a weekly ordeal but I’m exhausted.
This is abusive and unfair to you and the baby. You are watching her 90 percent of the time? Is the baby living with you?
Your daughter has no respect for you, or your time. She feels entitled to you providing care for
her child regardless of your own responsibilities.
I just need some input on what to do, especially in terms with her beautiful, amazing daughter!
What to do, that depends on what you and your husband decide. The most difficult part with our wayward adult children is the lack of natural affection and respect that normal relationships afford. I am guessing from your posts that setting boundaries with your daughter as far as you watching the baby, may lead to an “all or nothing” scenario. In these situations, grands are often used as pawns. You have no control over what your adult daughter does as far as baby is concerned.
You don’t want the baby to suffer with the insanity. Sigh. Our poor grandkids. They didn’t ask to be born into the craziness. But, you and your husband have your lives to live too.
For starters, I would definitely document how often you are caring for her. Keep a log. Something easy, on your phone or calendar. This will help you in your decision making, but also if CPS does have to get involved you have a record. With baby with you 90 percent of the time, while your daughter is out carousing, CPS may consider that child abandonment. Do you have security cameras in your home? If your daughter gets out of hand in your home, you have proof.
Does your daughter take baby to her pediatrician for well baby visits?
Is baby living in a safe environment when she is with your daughter?
Are you willing and able to raise your grandchild? If not, is there anyone in the family who would? What about the baby’s father? His family?
If CPS does get involved, if it is deemed the child needs to be removed from the parent, they will seek out willing relatives as temporary child caregivers, before outsiders. This has been my experience.
They will also offer parents service plans with the focus on educating the parent so that if they follow through with requirements they can be reunited with their child.
I may be giving you too much information. Sorry! With what I have read from your post, you have reason to be concerned for your grandchild’s welfare. She has no voice in this. She will need you and hubs to advocate for her. It doesn’t mean that CPS would remove her from her Moms care, but as Busy mentioned, she is on their radar. CPS had a record of my calls, this helped to establish safety concerns.
I hope I didn’t overwhelm you with my reply. It’s already a very hard situation to be in, I know.
Much love, best wishes and hugs. Again, I am so sorry for your need to be here, but glad you found this safe place to seek solutions.
New Leaf