8 year old special needs child arrested for 5th time at school


New Member
This is just absolutely insane! OMG if our schools did that here, my difficult child would already have at least 5 hits against him. What kind of people are these teachers??? Ok, so you're telling me that now the police are being called in on things like this and there is someone somewhere in real danger who aren't getting help because the police are at the school arresting an 8 year old for cussing out a teacher.

My difficult child got suspended on the last day of school in 5th grade for telling his teacher to go screw a goat.... He was punished, he felt really bad that he didn't get to say goodbye to his friends on the last day of school. The teacher later told me (she was pregnant at the time) that she was pretty sure it wasn't a goat she was with and that she had a hard time keeping a straight face when he said it. I was just beside myself when I found out that he had said this (and many other thoughtful words that year), and the teacher was making a joke about it. The point is, where do we draw the line?

Have we really gotten to the point where there is no compassion for our little ones? Do you think it's just a stunt to punish the parents with the thought that the parents are bad? This is just scary wrong.


Florida and Texas. The only thing that surprises me is not seeing California listed, too. These are also the biggest states on death penalty usage. I'm pointing out to kiddo how lucky she is that we don't still live in Florida, she'd have a boatload of charges by now.


New Member
....and oh boy just read some of the comments after that article.... makes your blood boil and your hair curl. No wonder our world is such a mess.


Shooting from the Hip
Wow, how did some of these people that commented manage to avoid jail time? Geezie pete. The poor kid. I think I mentioned somewhere else that zero tolerance looks good on paper, but doesn't work that way in real life...