
New Member
My son has been diagnosed with ADHD and they suggest medication. He is eight years old and with this type of disorder I understand that it does not go away after a time but is with him the rest of his life. I'm afraid if he takes this medication that he will become addictive. Are there any alternatives that I could use before this medication?

Thank you for your help /importthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Welcome! Addiction is not usually a problem for those taking ADHD medications. In fact, proper treatment can keep kids from "self-medicating" with drugs.
There are many alternative treatments for ADHD. There are behavioral treatments that can make the ADHD manageable so that it is not an impediment in his life. There are dietary changes and vitamin/supplements that can make a difference. There are homeopathic and herbal treatments, as well as things like biofeedback and hypnotherapy.


New Member
actually about 40% of kids who are diagnosis with ADHD will not have any symptoms of it as adults.

they say the kids who have the best results are those who are treated with both medicine and behavioral therapy.


New Member
Karla,My son is diagnosis is ADHD with learning disabilities. he is 12. I come from a highly drug dependent family and was hesitatnt to put him on medications. we tried diet first and it made a difference but it was not enough. Our neurologist said to omit Red dye 40 and yellow lake 40 from his diet . also to omit processed sugar and caffine. it made a difference and to this day if he has red dye he gets wacky.Red dye is everywhere. he was visiting his father for the weekend and came home off the wall. I asked what he at and he said he had KFC. I looked online and at the time ( i am not sure if it still does ) KFC added red dye to their chicken coating to give it a golden cooked look. it was also in their potato wedges. We now have him on adderall.he does best with that. the way it was explained to me was that because he has an addictive family history he would be more likely to be addictive if it was not properly controled. They say that a child that goes untreated and diagnosed is 95% more likely to become a sunstance abuser than a child with out ADD / ADHD. They unknowigly self medicate. Speed is not speed for them it is a downer. so it all makes sense. I am not ADD/ ADHD and on accident late one night during a family crisis, I went to my bag I packed and took to asprin i took 2 ritilan i didnt sleep for 3 days. it works different for them than it would for some who does not have it . I could become addicted. It was good :censored2: . the house was cleaner than ever (lol) I have a friend who treats purley with diet and vitamins she has great success. It is a lot of work. I have 4 kids and unfortunatly dont have the time. and adderall is definatly easier for me and allows me to give all children equal time . You have to research it and find what is best for you. I am a believer that there is not any one perfect answer. their are alot of great answers its just what works for your child and your family the best . I have guilt about not putting the effort into a more natural answer but my family was suffering . Good luck Joanne


Well-Known Member
Though many have found help with "natural" treatments, some have found that it's not enough. Every child is different. Sometimes, a combo of both can really be beneficial, along with behavioral therapy.

As far as addiction goes, studies have shown that it's quite the opposite, children diagnosed with ADHD, are less likely to become addicted to any drugs when medicated properly. If their quality of life is improved, it's less likely they would feel the need to self-medicate to cope.


New Member
I have been reading but not posting for months now. My 15 year old son was diagnosed ADHD at the age of 5. We fought putting him on medication for over a 1 1/2 years. We used those studies that previous people in this posting have referred to to finally agree to put him on medications. Over the years we have tried various treatments in symphony with the medications. I'm not going to write a book here, but I will summarize what we have learned. We should have researched more, we should not have believed the studies that were funded by the drug companies. There are now studies that demonstrate just the reverse is true. When you put children on medications they are MORE likely to self medicate. If you don't believe those studies then go to the treatment centers for adolescents and speak with the clinicians. The ones that I have talked to state that the kids that have been on legal medications, not all but a large % are inclinded to take anything they can ingest. Looking for the perfect High. That is what has happened to my son and now we have to live with it. I don't have the answer to the problem, but I will never trust the medical profession with doing the right thing when it comes to writing prescriptions for Kids. It's way too big a business and they make way to much money to be trusted. The natural treatments may not be the answer to all of it, selective diets may not be the magic pill; but if God gave me another chance to try this again! I would never have put my child on medication.s. Yes it's very complicated and life with out medication was almost unbearable. But you know what, with my son now in his 7th month of treatment to try and overcome his desire for that perfect drug, you don't know what hell is. Good luck and God Bless. Please remember we only get one chance to do the right thing and in todays world it is very difficult to figure out what that is; but please do yourself a favor don't give in to the teachers/ schools/ doctors to start medicating until you have exhausted all other means.
It can be very hard to sort out the truth in how to treat our children. Much research is conflicting and sometimes paid for by the companies which benefit from a positive outcome.
Some people believe that "natural" treatments are less powerful than pharmaceuticals. That is not the case. Sometimes they are incredibly more powerful and do far more than control symptoms during the time period until the next dose is due.