Algebra HELP - Multiplying Monomials


Fly away!
LOL Steely! Geometry she's on her own with. Algebra I can do. It's just been a long time since I've seen these equations and took me a bit to refresh.

Thanks for the offer, Kathy. After I posted this, it clicked for me.


Shooting from the Hip
Geometry is hell all in itself... I hated, HATED geometry. I know Pi-R-squared is... Diameter? Radius? Heck...


Well-Known Member
No, Step. E = Pi R squared. I can see you had even less aptitude for maths than I did :)

E= mc<squared> ... is Einstein.... E is energy, M is mass, C is constant (I don't remember where the brackets go)

A = pi*r <squared>... is the area of a circle.... a is area, pi is the geometric constant, r is the radius

Looks like some people need remedial math class!
AND some basic physics!!


Well-Known Member
Back in the 50's we all thought it was a riot when someone said "Pie ain't square. Cake is . Pie are round!" Geez, what a silly generation we were. LOL DDD


call 911
Okay this is where MY brain went...........Monim a nal
