And the outcome is...


Active Member
Well, the next mtg is supposed to be just me and PO, on Tues. I'll tell him then that I don't see any particular reason to have a mtg with this guy at the detention center, unless he feels the need for some reason. As far as asking him and writing stuff down- that is the conversation he and I were having right after the mtg with super when he took me in his office alone- he was then going to get back to me a few days later but apparently the super stepped in and made the GH decision. So, I already know what each of the funding streams/service providers - that's not really in question. And no- he's not going to let me choose them. I will tell him my preferences at the reqd face-to-face mtg with him then tell him that if the order has already been made, let's just move on with getting things implemeneted and tell difficult child and I what those requirements are (ie, the parole plan). Yes, I most definitely agree that difficult child should have input. But that's another thing POs ask sometimes but really never makes a difference. I had asked difficult child several mos ago and he had no answer. (They only asked parents and the difficult children what their preferences are because they have to write down if the parent and difficult child are in agreement- they order whatever they want.)

The only thing that makes me think there might be a glimmer of hope that PO might have made a turn in his approach is that the letter I rec'd from Department of Juvenile Justice mentioned that they had looked into it because I had been the petitioner and victim of difficult child's crime. One of my complaints re the Department of Juvenile Justice system in this state in general is that if it's a parent who's also been the victim and petitioner, they ought to have some input into the parole plan. Now, the rest of the letter was pretty generic and they of course, told me to talk to PO about any questions in the future when I called last week. But difficult child got moved to this detention much quicker than I thought possible. So, I don't know. I'm more cautious than optimistic right now but trying to keep that one eye open for either way.


Well-Known Member
Way To's not a road that wimps can travel and it's difficult to compromise with the existing system but I think you have the integrity to do it. DDD