Any difficult children diagnosis'd with Dysgraphia?


Well-Known Member
I just posted this question on general and posting here as well. Thanks!


Looking into accomodations that you may have in place in their IEPs for this diagnosis.

It is becomming increasingly clear, with the writing requirements just in the first week of 5th grade, that difficult child's dysgraphia is going to be a big issue this year.

Wondering if anyone has some good accoms and also success stories in assiting with poor spelling.

Any help is appreciated.




Has difficult child had Occupational Therapist (OT)?

I'll check and see if I still have some accommodation info somewhere. Treatment together with accommodations would be even better.


Well-Known Member

thanks for the link - I got some good ones from my post over on general as well.

I looked back at difficult child's IEP, and true to my recollection, he was not officially diagnosis'd with dysgraphia as a result of his testing at the end of 2nd grade. There were however accomodations like "not rewriting the question - answers only", "dictation to scribe" in his IEP. Although his school is wonderful and accomodating, don't you think I should request formal testing for this diagnosis so that if follows him in the future? Can I request testing in just this one area?



Can I request testing in just this one area?

Yes, you can.

A diagnosis is not necessary for an IEP student to receive services or accommodations. However, without knowing exactly what type motor skill problems you're dealing with, treatment is a guessing game. If he needs Occupational Therapist (OT) he should receive it at school.

I'd want a private evaluation. in my opinion motor skills are just too important to not treat fully, if needed. If I had it to do over, I would have hit difficult child's motor skills problems first -- and hard and heavy.

Fine/gross motor skill delays can impact learning.