Anybody reading lately?


And if you are looking for funny read a dirty job by Christopher Moore or lamb or sacre blu they are all hilarious but those are my favorites and I promise you will laugh out loud while reading and people will look at you crazy


Shooting from the Hip
OMG. I read EVERYTHING cover to cover, and I couldn't make it through Dianetics. Wow.

I'm re-reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy right now... During my lunch hours when I pump, and also to Meggie...


Active Member
Step: It actually perks up into decent (did he let someone review it for him?) at Chapter 10, I'm at the point where, if anyone wants to check it out from curiousity, I'll say "Start with Chapter 10, use the glossary if you have to because he has a strong habit of verbing nouns and using the Humpty Dumpty Rule of Definitions. THEN start at the beginning."

I'm giving it a break for the moment, too tired at night to struggle. A few months back I read John Dalmas' "The Reality Matrix" and while I wasn't wild about the writing style, I found the ideas interesting - and got some fun out of the triggering events of the story happening right at a spot I drove past very frequently on the Grapevine (the part of I-5 that takes you out of the LA Basin and into the Central Valley of CA.) And oddly, that spot had an odd enough feel to me that I could almost believe what he wrote about it. :)

Now I'm reading his "The Regiment" which happens in the far, far future, fleshing out the ideas (in my opinion) that he touched on in "The Reality Matrix." Much cleaner, much more engrossing adventure, I'd recommend it especially for anyone who's well versed in Zen Buddhism, or the martial arts styles that strongly emphasize the process between your ears over gross physical strength or speed.

(But I'd recommend the same for suggesting Steve Perry's "The Man Who Never Missed" and its associated series of books.)


Well-Known Member
StepTo2 - The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is my absolute favorite book of all time, one of the few I go back and read again and again. Enjoy!


Shooting from the Hip
My 2 favorite authors are Douglas Adams and Diana Gabaldon... And Gabaldon has a new book in the Outlander series due out in late fall!!!

All the "Keep Calm" stuff is getting annoying but here is the one that is an exception...
Don't Panic.jpg


Active Member
Step, you will be happy to know that Outlander is being made into a series. I am a couple behind I think. I read them all and then lost track of the new releases. I'll probably have to read from the beginning again in order to follow the new books. A shame that I passed along all my copies.

I am such an avid reader and my tastes run all over the place. I just ran out of books on hand and have to drive thirty minutes to a book store so I'm going to be trying out the local library here in my new town I think. I can handle many things. But never running out of reading material.


Shooting from the Hip
I know! I know! I can't wait... Although it will be on a channel we don't get. Ugh. I have read them all, including the graphic novel, novellas, e-books and Lord John series. The woman is amazing.