Anybody want to trade places for a couple days?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking- you all mentioned before that mentally he is probably not at the same actual age, but maybe behind a year or more. And sometimes the last week depending on the severity of his tantrum I can actually start to calm him by treating him as little kid, as in a few years younger. I would for example start talking babyish, tickling him( yes even in the middle of a rage) and sometimes it started to help. Like a game out of everything. I mentioned this in my other post that in some ways hes ahead and others behind mentally. Then of course the evaluation results..and we will see what "age" the psychiatric thinks hes is. Ok, just wanted to share. ( Oh even though he was the way he was all day and with me, he still wants me to be by his side almost constantly today) When hes with the kids on the block hes ok without me as when hes in school or with my friend/dad.

I have gave him positive attention all my attention before and kept him busy.. Sports, lessons of different things, trips, playing games, outside time, etc and he still had issues, even if he chose what to do. Getting him going on some was still hard. You all know that anyways as I mentioned it a few years ago. Im gonna go back to the busy same ( almost same) schedule again to see if it helps him.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, hes sleeping so Im just planning and taking everything in. Maybe a long bath to relax. Hugs all and goodnight for now.


Well-Known Member
Confused, spoiled kids don't have to act out and I'd say your kids may get things that they want, but they aren't spoiled in the classical sense of the world.

Talk about spoiled, all of my kids have gotten everything they wanted...from us. This is particularly true of Sonic and Jumper. I don't discipline. I do natural consequences so I'm not exactly strict nor was their doting father.

Your kids have different wiring and your son, in particular, is in serious trouble and it would not have mattered if you'd tried to discipline him or not because he wouldn't have listened to you.

A few things. A psychiatrist will evaluate him. These days they don't do therapy. They refer that to a psychologist they work with and they do the medication. Also, there is no reason why you can't just go see another pediatrician who will refer you to the people you need to see. Even if you have to drive an hour, it's worth it.

As two of us said: If you don't change something, nothing will change. Status quo for status quo.


Well-Known Member
am looking for a psychiatrist, see every time I tell their Dr to refer me, they do but its always a counselor or someone who "cant" help certain issues. But yes, back to actually going in INSTEAD of calling tomorrow. I talked to son about him needing further help and he WILL be having weekly sessions with someone he can talk to etc a man or women and he said" can I have a male because they will understand about boy things" I was happy he said that so now I am going to find a good male psychiatrist..
It is hard to find the "right" therapist or psychiatric Dr. Remember don't be intimidated - you have every right to be interviewing them to see if they are the right fit for your son before you begin taking your son on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
My kids to in a sense, they start to just say But i want and it magically appears. Fast food, going out, toys, money for the icecream truck. But they do get the guilt trips thrown in. My friends also says its cuz I dont stick with a punishment. I don't know, maybe if you all dont think my kids are spoiled that will or wont help me in a proper diagnoses? So I see what you mean. I dont care if I have to travel far, they need the best.

Ya, Some doctors know what their doing, some care and know, some have no clue and some just believe what they want or think not what is!

********Well, my son's teacher threatened him with the cops and herself coming if he misses one more day of school according to my son. I need to go in and see whats going on. Well, I warned him! This school doesnt have a truancy cop like public schools but she made herself one and frankly, if she wants to come deal with him and see( shes known how he was from day one.. literally day one- we have know her for over 9 yrs but didn't see her until she worked at the school we are at)So, we shall see. I am also going to talk to the principal about how she will handle an IEP/504 because they dont have Special Education. My son does not want to leave despite the teachers "promise/threat" to him and really is all of sudden trying more to study-all this in one night. Without the ADHD medications!


Well-Known Member
I don't know if your kids are spoiled or not, but you can probably judge whether or not they are pretty easily.

Do they expect to get whatever they want, right now?

Are they okay with it when they are told 'no' or 'maybe next time' or 'you can get that on your next birthday'

Or do they throw a fit to have their way if told no or not now.

Are they thankful and gracious when they do get what they desire?

It is not always about what is provided for them, but their attitude about it.

I do have to say that I felt a bit unsettled when you wrote that all they have to do is say 'I want' and it magically appears. Your kids need to understand the value of a dollar and they need to develop an ability to delay gratification. This is the number one predictor of future success as an adult.

It is not so much about the label 'spoiled' as it is that they develop the necessary tools to be successful adults no matter what their disabilities.


Well-Known Member

Do they expect to get whatever they want, right now?-Yes

Are they okay with it when they are told 'no' or 'maybe next time' or 'you can get that on your next birthday'- Well it depends -usually they dont like the word no esp son.

Or do they throw a fit to have their way if told no or not now. Son more so, daughter not as bad

Are they thankful and gracious when they do get what they desire? Im not sure because daughter has to be in a "special calm or something happy place" and does say thank you or when we ask she says shes happy but because of the aspergers, kinda hard to tell. Son when hes in a super happy rare mood, he does smile,say thank you and I occasionally get hugs when they are in these happy rare moods

I agree, they need to learn about life and how to financially and emotionally ( as best as they can) get through it.



Well-Known Member
That's not being spoiled in my opinion. That's being defiant and undisciplined.

I do think part of it is temperament.

Nobody gets her way faster than my youngest daughter because she is so extraordinarily loved by her father. He can never say "no" to her even though she would not cry and rage and have a fit over it. The fit itself indicates a more extreme problem than "spoiled" (whatever that means). It shows a lack of discipline and a probably inability to have self-discipline. This can be inherited...whatever it is, it needs to be treated. I have followed Confused and her saga for quite a while. I'm not a doctor. I don't claim to be one on TV :student: or off of TV or on this sight. But I do know normal behavior that is due to getting what a kid wants. In the case of many of our kids we need to ask "what came first, the chicken or the egg?"

When our kids are little we tell them what to do. "Don't run in the street, Madison."

Madison may test her mother, but after her mother grabs her frantically and talks to her a few times or puts her in a time out chair, which she WILL sit in, Madison learns she can't do that. Madison's mom is shopping. Madison starts to whine that she wants candy. Madisons mom says no and Madison starts to cry (not throw a major fit, but it can get a bit dramatic). It doesn't make Madison's mother get her candy and she may shed some more tears, but after a few more experiences Madison learns that she can't have candy in the store if mom says "no."

Now say that Madison, instead of being halfway reasonable, would not sit in her time out chair, threw it across the room, ran up to her mom, bit her, kicked her, and said, "I HATE YOU!" Maybe at age four she is even swearing and Madison's mom is thinking, "WHere did this come from? I don't act this way! She is just like her biological father!" She puts her in her room. Madison destroys her room. At the store Madison grabs a handful of candy anyways, while screaming bloody murder, with half the store staring at her in horror and says, "I HATE YOU, MOMMY!" She will not shut up or quiet down.

I don't know about you, but just to get out of the store, it is possible a mother could buy the candy, be in tears and then the child gets called "spoiled." That's not being spoiled. That's a kid who is not able to control himself.Or he has learned that Mom doesn't like him to yell in public so he does it to get his way. But most children do not want to do this to mommy. The majority of kids are not like our little darlings. They do behave. There is a large curve to "behave" but most behave enough not to have their parents feel the need to be on this forum. Most moms can shop with Madison or play in the park with her or enjoy her. That is very often not the case with our children. They have a knack very early on knowing how to manipulate us...and do it. And the parenting style we have is irrelevant as parents of all spots have been here in the decade I have.

I think many of our different kids, even grown, get their way because we give in, but there are two sides to every story. Nobody wants the consequences that our even very young children who are "special" bestow on us nor do we want our adult children to steal from us or assault us. These are people who are out of control and I wouldn't call it spoiled. I would say something is wrong with any child or adult who reacts in an over-the-top way to a simple "no." It is a danger sign and says "trouble" about the future. But most kids do not react this way when told "no" even if they have inconsistent parents. And some parents have three kids who all react differently to the same parenting.

So I say the word "spoiled" doesn't mean much. Yes, the kdis get what they want. It isn't because the parents wishes to get the kid everything his little heart desires or "puts up" with disrespect. At this child's age, since he is still a minor, he can't be thrown out of the house and if he doesn't respond to discipline and doesn't care what anyone thinks about his behavior plus have TROUBLE with self-regulation...I call it more troubled than spoiled.

I don't think Confused can do anything that will make this child mjind her unless she has a professional on board and even then he may end up living away from home one day. And I don't call that spoiled. I call it sad for all involved. But there is help, at least if the child is getting the needed help and is not yet legally an adult.

Ok, off the soapbox. Just my .02 ;)
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Well-Known Member
Ok see your point :) one more question.. Im not sure where to look for information for my daughters homeschooling. I asked Keystone the limit and they said 5 classes but I just dont think my daughter can do more then 3 at a time. Who do I talk to about this for my state laws? I am using google search.. again but if anyone knows because its online and she has no previous IEP/504. Should I put this question under the Special Education forum?


Well-Known Member
I would contact the homeschool community. They will be easier to talk to and know the rules of your state. Do some search engine searches to find a homeschool community in California, then call the person listed or e-mail. That's what I did the year I homeschooled. The mothers were very aware of the laws and rules regarding homeschooling in Wisconsin. I think it's a little more restrictive in California, but you'll have to find out yourself. Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks! I found something that says I need to pay 10 for membership/use their site but its geared for home school with cases and legal info. But Im still not finding exactly what I need. Thanks, Ill give that a try!


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you are using for terms in your search, but try things like "homeschool association", "homeschool support", or "homeschool community". There may be other common terms in the US, those are the most common here.


Well-Known Member
Try "Homeschool Laws in California."

There are no uniform laws in the U.S. Wisconsin and Illinois are different. California is different. You have to learn the laws about homeschooling in your own state. Some states make it easy and believe it's a parent's right to teach his child. Others require testing and some input. Very important to know what you are getting into. I would never have done it if I had had to answer to some authority, be it the Dept. of Public Education or somebody else. They leave homeschoolers alone here. Not so much in CA.


Well-Known Member
Im looking it up-trying.. but will have to wait until tomorrow , son is disobeying everything! Uggh. refusing bath, h.w., to clean his mess, then its bedtime uggh!


Well-Known Member
I dont want to make another new thread, least not yet. So Ill add here. My friend who we are now seeming to have issues getting along now is saying its us why he is how he is because hes NOT this way with her. ( I mentioned this here before) She says he acts like my dad/grandpa( who both are not violent-my dad is-edgy and gpa wants all his way) and we let him get a way with things so thats why. I do agree to this a little yes, but I have read and some of you all have told me that kids can hold it together but when they are at home in a safe place they explode! I let my friend read all the Neuropsychologists rule ins/out and she said theres no such thing as ADHD and the rest is just whatever but agrees with the one thats says family is stresses- well ya, when my son does what he does and my daughter as few issues, well ya, we are stressed!

So I told his teacher I need a meeting with her and the Secretary advised the Principal to be there because I asked if they could work with and IEP or 504 if his Dr gave him one. So Tuesday or Wed hopefully Ill be in there depending on scheduling available. So Im not trying to take off h.w. as he shows signs hes ok to do some sometimes, just the reading 20 minutes a day ( 10chapter book around 70-100 pages) for book report weekly needs to be adjusted. I feel if he could watch the TV version or audio, or even a shorter book would help...maybe two weeks for it to be due. Hes overwhelmed even with the twenty minutes a day it would take. His other pages if only 2/3 maybe 4 max for science hes can squeek buy.. whens hes on adhd medications! I got to get him back on something until we can see the Psychologist..

As far as P.E. he says he just doesnt want to suit out and Coach takes points away. .. so I don't know If I can get that adjusted either.. Otherwise I think we can start there. I dont see why the school couldnt adjust at least a little on H.W. how its done or when...

Ok, gotta get ready for the day.. Ill be back with more haha hopefully good news!


Well-Known Member
Yes they can adjust homework. It was the one accommodation we found to be the easiest to get. For example, doing 50 math questions, or 20 math questions... not much difference in learning other than for some kids they get fast at it. Just has to be a representative sample (in our case, teacher chose - usually "all odd" or "all even" questions)

They CAN adjust PE as well, but that has other consequences - aka bullying by other kids. "Nobody" gets out of PE.


Well-Known Member
He just hates changing out of his reg clothes to change to P.E. clothes, hes is sometimes the same way here. I think he sees it as not necessary in his mind. Im trying to see why he doesnt like to. Lazy? ADHD thing kicking in? Oh no, I love him in P.E., not only is it healthy for him, but with his energy!!! Thank you!!!


Well-Known Member
Changing. Ah yes.

Do you have any idea how much work that actually IS? I'm not kidding. Most people don't even think about it, but if you have even a minor fine motor skills challenge, changing clothes is TORTURE.

been there done that. ME. Personally. (and one of the kids, of course)

We counted one day how often they had to change their shoes in elementary school: at least 10, in that school. And they were expected to use tie-ups "for more practice", until Grade 4. That's not counting changing clothes for PE.

What kind of clothes is he wearing for school? T-shirt and jeans? If he wore a looser T, it would be easier to change shirts (loose for both in school and for PE). Changing pants... son got around it for a couple of years by wearing the kind that you can zip the bottoms off of to make shorts. Yes, zipping them back on was faster than changing pants, at least for him. I'm surprised they are even changing at this age.


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness I would have gone nuts in your kids school! My kids nor do I have any room to talk! And being made to wear tie shoes? I was a late learner as my kids tying! He wears a school pants one label is Dickies with a "hook" thats easy to close and the shirt is a Polo shirt, shoes are Velcro tennis shoes. P.E. is a simple Tshirt and pull up short/or sweats and sweatshirts. I also do buy a little larger because by the last month of school, he out grows the pants( not p.e.) Hmmm, Ill try to figure that out. I was looking at IEP and 504's and my son wont qualify for an IEP also because the school doesnt have all the extra bells n whistles, no Special Education, issues,but the 504 maybe. But honestly, the school has been wonderful overall so Im hoping with this meeting next week they can tweak a few things for him without one or at least until I get one. Looks like Im going to get to post under the Special Education one day with one or both my kids. Strange to have a plan in order for daughter whos homeschooled but her course load, 5 classes I think is just too much for her. Trying to see still, looking at those sites still you both gave me.( Im bouncing around a lot today with many tasks haha)


Pursuit of peace
Wowza. I guess I would teach him to throw away his own food and have some consequences for the tantrums, but it seems like something deeply medical.

Hugs, mama.