Are there rules for being a mom of a difficult child?


New Member
It doesn't sound like you were friends, so I don't think she needed to tell you a thing. She was looking for a place that would accept her daughter. You obviously gave her enough information for her to find it. If you didn't want her to know or take a chance her daughter of her daughter moving in, you should have spoken up or simply said you weren't comfortable giving out that information without your daughter's permission, said you would have daughter call her directly and then "forget" to give the message. Sorry, I don't see the girl moving into the complex any of your business.


New Member
That she found a better place is awesome!!! That she found it on her own makes it even ten times better!!!!!

Now, when the other girl gets evicted, be sure and tell the mom that you'll have your daughter give her a call when she asks where she's living.


Deleted...wish I could just erase, but instead I have to type out this sentence that says "deleted." LOL!


Former desparate mom
Nomad, I don't know if this is a difficult child issue or just an issue of boundaries. You are under no obligation to share any part of your life with someone. Wasting your energy on some superficial acquaintance doesn't seem like something you want to do. What this woman and her difficult child does is not of your concern nor your difficult child's.
Focus on your child and your family's needs. Let her fend for herself if you are not inclined to help her. You also don't have to validate yourself by speaking of easy child and how well he is doing. If this woman doesn't have an interest in your son then don't waste your breath. Your difficult child is actually doing very well on her level of functioning. I know you are pleased with her growth as much as you are pleased with easy child's growth. Not everyone can understand that and appreciate the effort you put into both children.
I long ago stopped trying to present a together package for judgement by those who are not an important part of my life. They may or may not speak postively of my family but I simply don't care. Takes a lot of worry off my mind.
I hope you don't put one more ounce of your energy into someone other than your kids and husband. These people come and go from your life and I for one don't want to waste my feeble brain on them.