Auctioning the House May 1


Love me...Love me not

I am completely confused as to how a bank could do this to you...

Wish I knew how to fix it or had something to say that would make it better.


Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Susie ((((hugs))))

I may be in the same boat not so far into the future. So far I'm hanging on and have not missed a payment. But it's killing my lil nest egg. easy child wants me to chuck it, but I'm being stubborn and bull headed. I will be here until they practically drag me away. It's MY house. I had to nearly die to get it. Be d@mned if I'm gonna throw up my hands and just walk away. easy child doesn't understand. But I don't really expect her to.

I can't refinance because my credit stinks, nor have I attempted to do the new govt thing because I figured it was a sham the first time I heard about it........I've yet to hear anyone actually have them help them. I'm inclined to believe it was all for "show". My bank is not national, at least I don't think it is, and so far has been quite helpful and patient. I dunno how long that will last.

But your situation is all too familiar because literally tons of people were suckered in during the housing boom, and I've have more than one reputable realtor inform me they knew it would collapse. And now they're telling Nichole NOT to believe the news, it's not getting better honestly.......and it looks like it will be a LONG time before it does. They're warning the kids to be careful and wary in their choices. (and I'm coaching them from the sidelines as is her father in law who does bank loans for a living)

Seriously? You wouldn't believe the number of empty houses here for that reason.

At first our loan co's and banks were anxious to foreclose.........until they discovered the houses are not reselling, but are sitting empty instead, even at drastically reduced prices. Now they seem to be at least trying to help the home owner first as much as they can, some of them anyway.

I'm so very sorry it's come to this. If nothing least the stress of trying to hold on will be gone. Hang in there my friend.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to hear this. How could they foreclose if you are not behind in payments? Makes no sense. There is my logic trying to kick in again.

I love that you are optimistic on your new adventure and I hope it brings lovely surprises and advantages to you and your family!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Susie, again I am sorry this is going on in your life. I've been thinking about you and it brought up a memory of 18 years ago when my life blew up in almost every way a life could. One part of it was losing my home, along with my career, money, relationship, friends, animals, father, really, life as I knew it. Leaving that home, which I loved so much, was devastating. It took awhile to calm down from all those losses.

You mentioned it was bittersweet, so I hope what I am about to say is not interpreted as insensitive to how awful losing ones home's simply my viewpoint now, from the vantage point of having gone through some pretty severe losses. I look back now and believe the ending of that life was fortuitous. Why? Because it ushered in a new life where I am more ME, the old was gone, the new was better. It took a weight off of me, the burden of expectations perhaps. I had achieved a lot, but was it really what I truly wanted? I went through some deep soul searching and discovered that I wanted much less, I wanted a more simple life with fewer things and fewer people. It all boiled itself down in some very real way. After all, I had lost EVERYTHING. Odd that now I feel grateful for that time, even though it was one of the hardest times in my life as I clung to what I had and thought I wanted and needed with a ferocity unparalleled in my life. It's all I knew at the time. Now I realize I wanted something deeper, not the material and external perks of the American dream, but a sense of belonging, connection and fulfillment which I have spent a lot of years learning about and seeking out. Perhaps it's beyond words, I don't know if I can explain this well, I wanted to feel contentment with what is, a sense of peace within myself and a connection to others that really expressed love and acceptance, for me, the truest meaning of life. My losses pushed me into looking for something different then I had been brought up to want, the losses demanded my attention in the severity of it all and a part of me woke up and thought, wait a minute, I want more then this.

I look at it now as a spiritual path. An inner transformation, for me, of great magnitude. I started abandoning my role as caregiver, something that took a really long time and I'm still at it to some degree, I sought out new people, a new job, found a new relationship, and made different choices. Life did become much simpler and in a lot of ways much easier. I have nowhere near the money and security that my friends have, I can't boast about my material life in any way, other then I have enough. The search for external security is over, I believe security is an inside job. I think the biggest shift is I feel a lot of gratitude simply for what is.

So, a long story to say, sometimes a loss precipitates a new beginning, one in which you are more comfortable within yourself and happier. Once the holding on part is over and you let go, you may indeed, feel freer, more liberated and lighter. I did. You sound like you are ready for the change. My guess is that this will be a positive move which gives you more of what you truly want and need. My prayers and best wishes go out to you for this to be an easy transition which brings you peace and happiness. Please keep us updated.


New Member
Susiestar, I really am saddened by your news. I see so many auctions and foreclosures in my town. It grieves me that families find themselves homeless so frequently these days. I am sending you prayers of acceptance, hope and peace of mind. I truly hope that this transition is one that leads to a happier place for you and yours. -RM


Roll With It
The good news is that 3br apartments are going cheaper than they have in decades here as long as you don't want to be next to campus. less than half of our mortgage payment, when in the past they have been easily 3x that for something very run down.


Susie, your strength continues to inspire me. I am so sorry you are going through this and I hope it works out the way it is supposed to and that it leads to a blessed new beginning.


Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
So sorry you are having to deal with this. Way too many are dealing with this these days. I will be keeping you close in thoughts and prayers.