Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) accommodations


Well-Known Member
So, we're dealing with Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) on top of everything else.
Not "classical" Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) - with language difficulties, etc.
Just - absolutely cannot "hear" what needs to be heard, in the presence of background noise.
And ends up brain-dead by the end of first period from trying to hear... and then blows up in second period because he can't cope!

No problem - reports coming, and there will be equipment etc. coming.

But in the mean time - we're going to have to survive at least half a term without this stuff.

What kinds of accommodations are reasonable to ask for?
Is there some way to reduce background noise in the classroom? (white noise does NOT reduce background noise, just gives the brain something else to listen to - which also hides the important stuff) - as in, can we just get the kids to all shut up and sit still? like we used to have to every single day? (how hard can that be, really.)
Force the teacher to provide detailed notes at the START of the class so he can follow along? This means no ad-lib, no group work, no flying off-the-cuff. Like THAT's gonna fly.
A professional scribe who can type out every word the teacher says, as fast as she says it, so he can read it over her shoulder?

I could really use some practical, creative ideas... especially ones that don't cost a whole raft of $$ to implement...



New Member
I am not sure I will be much help, but we suspect our difficult child to have the same issues (not language! That would be to easy).
I have read about class accomodations:

1.carpet on the floor. I would say it is doable if your son stays in the same classroom all day.

2. make things as visual as possible. I don't know how old your son is. But I can very well imagine the teacher(s) e-mailing the material that will be discussed the next day or even the next week. If he pre-studies the stuff, it should be easier to "hear" while he is in class.

3. Do to lack of support or ressources for Auditory Processing Disorders (APD), I started looking at resources and support for deaf people. Maybe try to look up at typical IEP accomodations for deaf/hard hearing kids. It might give some creative idea and see what is doable.

4. Look into teaching him lip reading (also called speech reading). Lip reading skills have literally saved my husband when he was kid. I understand it might take some time (more than 1 school term?), but worth researching if your difficult child is willing to learn. husband still lip reads a lot but was not able to explain how he learned. In his situation, it was do or die. He was just "lucky" to make it with NO help. But believe me, the scares are still there.

I'm sorry I cannot be any more help. Let us know how you make out with the school. What techniques, accomodations and therapy works.


Well-Known Member
This kid is in high-school - not just a different classroom every period, whole separate wings apart between classes.
Each teacher stays in one place, and 1200+ kids move between every class.
(that's the way schools are. I'm no longer convinced its the best way to do things)

The problem has been a MAJOR problem since grade 1.
THIS is the first time we actually get support stating that there even IS a problem.
Lip reading etc. - all takes heavy-duty brain processing power. Just as much as straining to pick out the words. Either way, he doesn't have enough brainpower left to do the work in THAT class, much less any other class thereafter.

My "list" is a bit tongue-in-cheek - there's no way we're getting THOSE things.
But back (way, way, back - i'm ancient) when I was in school. this kind of problem would NOT have even been a problem. You could hear a pin drop. 99% of the time. In every subject area (except music and shop).

I know what the accommodations are for Auditory Processing Disorders (APD). And we can get those - but most of them are equipment, and that takes weeks or months to get, and we have to survive in the mean time. (last year was unmentionable)
I'm looking for non-equipment ideas that we can start NOW...
And yes, I'll summarize whatever we find out - especially if anything works...



Well-Known Member
Oh - for YOUR son... get an Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) evaluation to test specifically for listening in the presence of background noise.
If that test is a problem, get to a Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)/Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) specialist and ask specifically about the same problem.

Its only been the last few years that tests have even been developed for this stuff, and many Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) and audiology professionals don't know about it yet.

They won't screen you for this unless ADHD and other focus-management issues have been either ruled out, OR are controlled by medications. (inability to manage focus makes it impossible to listen, but that's not an auditory problem!)


New Member
Oh, I'm right there with you, Insane. GENERALLY when son (actually all 3 kids) complains about a class it's because the other kids are just being too noisy.

And no, I do NOT think it's too much to ask to have the other kids sit down and SHUT the F UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does he have preferential seating? For this problem front row center might help.

The scribe thing is actually doable. There is software that does speech to text. It's not too expensive, but he would have to have a laptop available. That way he could read the lecture and wear earplugs.


Well-Known Member
And no, I do NOT think it's too much to ask to have the other kids sit down and ...
But the TEACHERS do. They believe the kids can't be learning anything if the class isn't "active" (read: noisy).

Reality - kids haven't been taught to, so they don't know how to, and its not gonna fly to try to teach TEENAGERS how to do this!


Maybe ear plugs would help? He isn't getting the material past first period anyway because its to frustrating. Ear plugs might help with the frustration level because he wouldn't be trying to filter out noise. Ear plugs might get noticed by his peers but a blow up in second period would get noticed more. Maybe if the teachers didn't expect him to be able to hear them they might do some of the things he needs (like providing detailed notes or a note taker) at least enough to get him through until the stuff arrives. I have no experience in this so this might be totally off the wall.