Bench Warrent


Well-Known Member
Yep, this is his 3rd lock up so I pretty much know the drill. I know that we both wish that we did not.

I would like to thank everyone for all the support I have received from all of you. Without you guys, I would be in a padded cell.


Well-Known Member
I hope your son learns faster than mine. It took mine quite awhile till he really figured out that the rules applied to him but then no one actually stepped up to the plate and locked him up when he was younger even though I begged them to. I think the sooner they learn that actions have consequences to them and not their parents the better off they are. It doesnt hurt them a bit when parents have to go to court to answer for Juniors misdeeds. In fact its funny to them.


Well-Known Member
I agree. He thinks it is hilarious. He is in for a rude awakening this time. His attorney has even said that the judge is going to side with the state on this one.


New Member
Thought long and hard on how to word this so bear with me. now that he is in a "safe" secure place, take time for you. I know it's hard, been there done that have 5 T-shirts all worn out. Hopefully the judge will take into account his mental status and send him where he can get help. alot of times difficult child's need the full concequences to learn anything I know mine did, took residental and Juvie to finally learn. it doesn't help when his friends tell him oh they won't put you away.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Tammy. I am taking time for myself today. I am going to Bandera with a friend to do an antique crawl and have a peaceful meal at a fabulous BBQ joint.
Tommorow I will return to work.


Well-Known Member
Pasajes...have a great time and eat something yummy for me.

I admire your strength right now and you are doing the right things for your son. I know it feels hard and wrong inside but its what will help him most in the long run. One day he will know it and if you are lucky he will tell you that. I am the one who actually had to press the felony charges against my son and today he will tell you I did the right thing. In fact he had a public defender who started to question what kind of mother would charge her own son and Cory piped up with "the kind of mother who wanted to stop her son from continuing on a path of self destruction, now can we get back to the case at hand."

Marcie Mac

Just Plain Ole Tired
Sorry - its always hard (mine was in more times than I can count) - and Christmas is especially difficult. But at least you know where he is and he is relatively safe.



Well-Known Member
Thanks. I had an amazing time. It really is the cowboy capitol of Texas. So many temptations in the stores. I was good and only bought 1 thing.


Well-Known Member
Glad you had a nice day! You deserve it! My husband had family business in San Antonio in August and got to visit Bandera while he was in Texas. He said it was awesome! I hope to go someday!


Well-Known Member
Pasajes, wouldn't it be nice if we could do that every day!?

Best of luck this coming week. Get some sleep to shore up your resources.