New Member
OK..so, there are a couple previous threads related to easy child. I am far beyond ability to .....um.....something. I came now here simply to just relay what has gone on, now. I am totally exhausted, due to difficult child haveing her own crisis and husband haveing HIS own, and ALL depending on me for all their normal day to day needs PLUS all their special needs and crises. So I came to this morning with no sleep at all, and nothing to eat this morning for ...?24 hours or so? And already worn to a frazzle.
So, handled the 5 am part of difficult children crisis, gave up bothering to try to eat sleep or bathe, and jumped right into PCs crisis....
She did feel good enough to dial the doctor today. Actually she did call dr yesterday as well....but, between her um...difficultes and docs not really paying attention, she did not accomplish all she needed to yesterday. ER had given her a note to NOT work, but it was only good for 4 days and required her own dr to release her back to work. Plus the newest medications- no help- and more new issues, the throat for one. and the ultrasound. So now, there are 4 ob gynes together..and since the 2 OTHER facilities were NOT gonna take easy child on.....we were in a hard place. SO our doctor of choice (Dr Z) saw easy child first time for this all....and then the 2nd dr, dr Y phoned in phenergan.....but blew us off.....today we got dr K.....dr K decided maybe she SHOULD see easy child after all, so we go in. at first dr k is patting us on head telling us how morning sickness is normal and we need to buck up etc. we are over reacting, it is not possible that easy child is keeping NOTHING down, and look, see, she has not puked dureing this appointment. Takes us step by step- eat crackers, sip water, you are gonna feel queasy, but the world will not end. Um, scuse me, um, we have been in once already for this and to ER twice...and yes, it IS severe, requireing IV rehydration, causeing fears of cardiac problems, requireing EKG......maybe ER now has gotten themself straight and gotten the paperwork to you about the er visists> No, dr says no, you could not have been in ER, there is nothing here from er. O well, call them and get it cuz there was a problem with that......OK so dr is patting us on head, dismissing us as over reactive, nervous nellies....uh no, wait, um, why do we have zofran and phenergan and prevacid and pepcid and er rehydration if this is garden variety morning sickness. what about work? oh well, you know preg is normal, you should go to work. OK then give a release. easy child says hey I want to sign release of info and POA cuz this is overwhelming me and I was so sick and couldn't talk to you and you would not talk to her, but I am sure I signed both on my first visit here, so can I sign them AGAIN? Dr jumps up and says NO, there is NO SUCH PAPERWORK. and no, noone here would ever say they would not take a call on a patients behalf. Um, pardon me but YES they DID refuse to talk to me or we would have been here 3 DAYS ago. Furthermore, the ER is getting quite angry and demanding we NOT show up there again until we follow up here with "PCs doctor" becuz their paperwork clearly says they do not diagnosis, do not treat, they ONLY stabilize, and then require a patient to go to their personal dr for followup--and we have now been at ER TWICE for rehydration, and ER wants to know WHAT you are DOING to stop this from occureing.
doctor tells me to sue hospital. Um, whatever, but what ARE you doing to prevent another crisis of dehydration? She said well easy child must EAT. Um yesterday the nurse here told easy child not to bother trying to eat if she keeps throwing up LIQUIDS. Dr says but she has not thrown up here, she cannot be throwing up. Take the medications you have. easy child says but I CAN'T, I cannot swallow and they do not stay down, anyway, even if I do get them down. doctor says no, they are suppositories, why would you swallow them? WHY would we give you pills if you say you are puking?
Uh, NO< they are NOT suppositories. Dr insists they ARE. BUT it is not this dr who ordered them. I picked up the RX and NO, they are NOT, well, I must be wrong, and I must be giving suppositories orally. I should read the bottle. UM, hello? I KNOW what the bottle says.....and it says "by mouth" dr actually calls me a liar AGAIN. and she goes to send us home. She opens the chart for something, and inside are the ER REPORTS! I said oh, look, they ARE here, please LOOK at them....this is NOT normal morning sickness. READ THEM. doctor reads them andher expression changes rather dramatically. Oh my, you are a very ill girl. Gee ya think? well dr then asks me why I waited so long to bring her in, I repeat um, your people here would not accept a call from me and easy child was too sick, and yeterday easy child rallied and called and they refused to see her then, either. Nope, dr insists I am lying and NOW doctor is accuseing ME ofbeing to blame for easy child being SO ill and not in office sooner. How dare I neglect my child this way? ACK! whatever, she then says you cannot let it go this long again, her kidneys are in danger. lets check this and then go home and DRINK. yeesh. hello, it does not STAY. well 1 minute later doctor comes back with labwork and says go straight to hospital admitting, they have a bed waiting.....your kidneys are being harmed.
SO we go to hospital, walk in, to admit, go in to register and after paperwork, the lady stays seated, hands me a pile of paper, and points- "go to 3rd floor" Um, wheere do we go on 3rd floor? To your room, of course. Um, is someone gonna take us? no. I look in my hand and see all this paperwork-------not in PCs name, but another person entirely! in the pile of papers is the hospital bracelet and all those sticky labels they use for all your labwork etc? BUT this is NOT PCs papers. SO I say um, scuse me, this is not easy child.....we are not this person.
meanwhile easy child is fadeing fast.
she hands us new paperwork, and sends us alone to find our room? YEESH. no wheelchair, easy child is dizzy sick, weak. find our room and do WHAT?
we get to 3rd floor- it is LABOR AND DEIVERY------birthing rooms. HUh? wow, ok, yeah this IS preg related but......birthing center is HIGH security. cannot exit elevator, have to push buzzer.. we push.. again. and again. nothing, we wait. easy child actually literally gets so tired and so frusttraed she curls up ON THE FLOOR.
FINALLY, just as I hit elevator button to go back down, a nurse is going off duty and freaks to find us there. JUst as elec goes off due to a t storm (unexpected one again)
Well, she stays with us, gets on phone and gets us down to 1st floor, but nope, now to 2nd floor.
2nd floor keeps easy child.sets her on a bed adnd leaves for 90 mins. we are simply sitting on a bed in a room. No hospital bracelt, no nurse, nothing. for 90 mins. Then a nurse comes sets up an IV and talks about ?? days and days? somthing, cannot remember what but I am like um, no......so she leaves and calls dr.
she comes back, starts an IV bag full open wide, it is in easy child inside 10 mins, hangs anothhe...and another. 5 IV bags full open, in in less than 3 hours.
easy child asks can my mom stay ? Nurse says no sweetie this nurse was actually kind and not nasty at all) I am gonna check your kidneys and if they are happpier now, I am calling your doctor and letting you and your mom and your honey get out of this germy ugly place and go sleep in your ownbed. By 11 pm we were on way home. LOL, when I went to get car, security gave me a hard time, said I could not be there, argued whether anyone was ever discharged at such a late hour. He actually made me go back to floor to ask nurse. She got mad at security and said ths child needs to go home where her family will take proper kind care of her instead of shuffling them all over the place.
I got home and after tucking a much much more alert and good humored easy child in her bed, I checked that blasted Rx for phenergan again..and yes, I am right.I KNEW I was right.it is NOT for suppositories at all. I have half a mind to make an appointment for MYSELF and go in and when dr comes in, shoving that pill bottle up her.....well, where the sun does not shine.
THis doctor office has caused us 3 hospital trips that may have been able to be easily prevented. They have now caused my easy child to have a possible risk to her heart and now to her kidneys. They have further endangerred my easy child unborn baby MY grandchild. they put PCs very life at risk. I never ever had a patient who got 5 full IV bags in such a short time just to stabilize. The whole time dr was arguing with me, Ikept saying LOOK at easy child, LOOK at her, even without lab results, you can clearly and obviously SEE how ill she is! They cost us thousands of dollars of bills.....easy child is young, boyfriend is young....the unexpected baby was already a huge surprise creating lots of adjustments, dramatic changes to their plans etc...and all this garbage is makeing EVERYTHING so much much worse,harder, more difficult. How they view thebaby, how they view each other, everything.
I am beyond livid, but at the moment so exhausted. and I am also quite worried as is easy child and boyfriend about what are these medications doing to the baby? or the dehydration? or the stress?
When the nurse thought easy child was staying indefinetly, and nurse told easy child noone could stay with her? She lost it, freaked out, she looked at nurse and begged, said ya know EVERYTHING has gone SO wrong and NOONE is listening to me, and they tried to XRay my foot in ER Monday and doctor called mom a liar but it is dr who lied.and I am too afraid to stay here by myself, what if something goes wrong again, and what if I am too sick to know? Please please don't make me stay here alone. Im so scared.
boyfriend s dads new girlfriend is someone I used to work with years ago in nurseing home. She is far far more aggessive than me....LOL- her and I both loved our elderly patients and we went head to head often, she was usually my relief. I was passionate but gentle, she is like a bull moose. I told boyfriend to go tell her what occured and ask HER to start going with us to ALL appts etc ....SHE will GRAB these people by their collars and shake them literally. and.LOL bfs dad works security at the partner hospital. LOL.
I am so lost, so tired, so angry and so scared. easy child is asleep now, difficult child has been checking her every 15 mins....son made me a grilled cheese......and boyfriend is just so freaked out, cuz yes, dr and hospital DID get blunt and did admit just how grave this is. Not just for the baby, but also for easy child herself. I had already forewarned boyfriend, but I am sure he thought I was just being dramatic. He had me drop him off at his moms.I think he was crying when he got out of car.
It was too late to go get the new Rx for suppositories tonite. I will go first thing in morning. PLEASE, Ihope they help, hope they work at least a little bit. easy child keeps trying to eat and drink, but everything comes back. DR at first refused to believe us. THought easy child was just saying it, and not trying to eat or drink... Until she saw the lab work. easy child is now accuseing her unborn baby of being at least suicidal andmaybe homicidal. <sigh>
Please no crisis with easy child, husband, difficult child or boyfriend tonite, I NEED a break.....easy child needs a break.....
Yes,now I am going to bed.
So, handled the 5 am part of difficult children crisis, gave up bothering to try to eat sleep or bathe, and jumped right into PCs crisis....
She did feel good enough to dial the doctor today. Actually she did call dr yesterday as well....but, between her um...difficultes and docs not really paying attention, she did not accomplish all she needed to yesterday. ER had given her a note to NOT work, but it was only good for 4 days and required her own dr to release her back to work. Plus the newest medications- no help- and more new issues, the throat for one. and the ultrasound. So now, there are 4 ob gynes together..and since the 2 OTHER facilities were NOT gonna take easy child on.....we were in a hard place. SO our doctor of choice (Dr Z) saw easy child first time for this all....and then the 2nd dr, dr Y phoned in phenergan.....but blew us off.....today we got dr K.....dr K decided maybe she SHOULD see easy child after all, so we go in. at first dr k is patting us on head telling us how morning sickness is normal and we need to buck up etc. we are over reacting, it is not possible that easy child is keeping NOTHING down, and look, see, she has not puked dureing this appointment. Takes us step by step- eat crackers, sip water, you are gonna feel queasy, but the world will not end. Um, scuse me, um, we have been in once already for this and to ER twice...and yes, it IS severe, requireing IV rehydration, causeing fears of cardiac problems, requireing EKG......maybe ER now has gotten themself straight and gotten the paperwork to you about the er visists> No, dr says no, you could not have been in ER, there is nothing here from er. O well, call them and get it cuz there was a problem with that......OK so dr is patting us on head, dismissing us as over reactive, nervous nellies....uh no, wait, um, why do we have zofran and phenergan and prevacid and pepcid and er rehydration if this is garden variety morning sickness. what about work? oh well, you know preg is normal, you should go to work. OK then give a release. easy child says hey I want to sign release of info and POA cuz this is overwhelming me and I was so sick and couldn't talk to you and you would not talk to her, but I am sure I signed both on my first visit here, so can I sign them AGAIN? Dr jumps up and says NO, there is NO SUCH PAPERWORK. and no, noone here would ever say they would not take a call on a patients behalf. Um, pardon me but YES they DID refuse to talk to me or we would have been here 3 DAYS ago. Furthermore, the ER is getting quite angry and demanding we NOT show up there again until we follow up here with "PCs doctor" becuz their paperwork clearly says they do not diagnosis, do not treat, they ONLY stabilize, and then require a patient to go to their personal dr for followup--and we have now been at ER TWICE for rehydration, and ER wants to know WHAT you are DOING to stop this from occureing.
doctor tells me to sue hospital. Um, whatever, but what ARE you doing to prevent another crisis of dehydration? She said well easy child must EAT. Um yesterday the nurse here told easy child not to bother trying to eat if she keeps throwing up LIQUIDS. Dr says but she has not thrown up here, she cannot be throwing up. Take the medications you have. easy child says but I CAN'T, I cannot swallow and they do not stay down, anyway, even if I do get them down. doctor says no, they are suppositories, why would you swallow them? WHY would we give you pills if you say you are puking?
Uh, NO< they are NOT suppositories. Dr insists they ARE. BUT it is not this dr who ordered them. I picked up the RX and NO, they are NOT, well, I must be wrong, and I must be giving suppositories orally. I should read the bottle. UM, hello? I KNOW what the bottle says.....and it says "by mouth" dr actually calls me a liar AGAIN. and she goes to send us home. She opens the chart for something, and inside are the ER REPORTS! I said oh, look, they ARE here, please LOOK at them....this is NOT normal morning sickness. READ THEM. doctor reads them andher expression changes rather dramatically. Oh my, you are a very ill girl. Gee ya think? well dr then asks me why I waited so long to bring her in, I repeat um, your people here would not accept a call from me and easy child was too sick, and yeterday easy child rallied and called and they refused to see her then, either. Nope, dr insists I am lying and NOW doctor is accuseing ME ofbeing to blame for easy child being SO ill and not in office sooner. How dare I neglect my child this way? ACK! whatever, she then says you cannot let it go this long again, her kidneys are in danger. lets check this and then go home and DRINK. yeesh. hello, it does not STAY. well 1 minute later doctor comes back with labwork and says go straight to hospital admitting, they have a bed waiting.....your kidneys are being harmed.
SO we go to hospital, walk in, to admit, go in to register and after paperwork, the lady stays seated, hands me a pile of paper, and points- "go to 3rd floor" Um, wheere do we go on 3rd floor? To your room, of course. Um, is someone gonna take us? no. I look in my hand and see all this paperwork-------not in PCs name, but another person entirely! in the pile of papers is the hospital bracelet and all those sticky labels they use for all your labwork etc? BUT this is NOT PCs papers. SO I say um, scuse me, this is not easy child.....we are not this person.
meanwhile easy child is fadeing fast.
she hands us new paperwork, and sends us alone to find our room? YEESH. no wheelchair, easy child is dizzy sick, weak. find our room and do WHAT?
we get to 3rd floor- it is LABOR AND DEIVERY------birthing rooms. HUh? wow, ok, yeah this IS preg related but......birthing center is HIGH security. cannot exit elevator, have to push buzzer.. we push.. again. and again. nothing, we wait. easy child actually literally gets so tired and so frusttraed she curls up ON THE FLOOR.
FINALLY, just as I hit elevator button to go back down, a nurse is going off duty and freaks to find us there. JUst as elec goes off due to a t storm (unexpected one again)
Well, she stays with us, gets on phone and gets us down to 1st floor, but nope, now to 2nd floor.
2nd floor keeps easy child.sets her on a bed adnd leaves for 90 mins. we are simply sitting on a bed in a room. No hospital bracelt, no nurse, nothing. for 90 mins. Then a nurse comes sets up an IV and talks about ?? days and days? somthing, cannot remember what but I am like um, no......so she leaves and calls dr.
she comes back, starts an IV bag full open wide, it is in easy child inside 10 mins, hangs anothhe...and another. 5 IV bags full open, in in less than 3 hours.
easy child asks can my mom stay ? Nurse says no sweetie this nurse was actually kind and not nasty at all) I am gonna check your kidneys and if they are happpier now, I am calling your doctor and letting you and your mom and your honey get out of this germy ugly place and go sleep in your ownbed. By 11 pm we were on way home. LOL, when I went to get car, security gave me a hard time, said I could not be there, argued whether anyone was ever discharged at such a late hour. He actually made me go back to floor to ask nurse. She got mad at security and said ths child needs to go home where her family will take proper kind care of her instead of shuffling them all over the place.
I got home and after tucking a much much more alert and good humored easy child in her bed, I checked that blasted Rx for phenergan again..and yes, I am right.I KNEW I was right.it is NOT for suppositories at all. I have half a mind to make an appointment for MYSELF and go in and when dr comes in, shoving that pill bottle up her.....well, where the sun does not shine.
THis doctor office has caused us 3 hospital trips that may have been able to be easily prevented. They have now caused my easy child to have a possible risk to her heart and now to her kidneys. They have further endangerred my easy child unborn baby MY grandchild. they put PCs very life at risk. I never ever had a patient who got 5 full IV bags in such a short time just to stabilize. The whole time dr was arguing with me, Ikept saying LOOK at easy child, LOOK at her, even without lab results, you can clearly and obviously SEE how ill she is! They cost us thousands of dollars of bills.....easy child is young, boyfriend is young....the unexpected baby was already a huge surprise creating lots of adjustments, dramatic changes to their plans etc...and all this garbage is makeing EVERYTHING so much much worse,harder, more difficult. How they view thebaby, how they view each other, everything.
I am beyond livid, but at the moment so exhausted. and I am also quite worried as is easy child and boyfriend about what are these medications doing to the baby? or the dehydration? or the stress?
When the nurse thought easy child was staying indefinetly, and nurse told easy child noone could stay with her? She lost it, freaked out, she looked at nurse and begged, said ya know EVERYTHING has gone SO wrong and NOONE is listening to me, and they tried to XRay my foot in ER Monday and doctor called mom a liar but it is dr who lied.and I am too afraid to stay here by myself, what if something goes wrong again, and what if I am too sick to know? Please please don't make me stay here alone. Im so scared.
boyfriend s dads new girlfriend is someone I used to work with years ago in nurseing home. She is far far more aggessive than me....LOL- her and I both loved our elderly patients and we went head to head often, she was usually my relief. I was passionate but gentle, she is like a bull moose. I told boyfriend to go tell her what occured and ask HER to start going with us to ALL appts etc ....SHE will GRAB these people by their collars and shake them literally. and.LOL bfs dad works security at the partner hospital. LOL.
I am so lost, so tired, so angry and so scared. easy child is asleep now, difficult child has been checking her every 15 mins....son made me a grilled cheese......and boyfriend is just so freaked out, cuz yes, dr and hospital DID get blunt and did admit just how grave this is. Not just for the baby, but also for easy child herself. I had already forewarned boyfriend, but I am sure he thought I was just being dramatic. He had me drop him off at his moms.I think he was crying when he got out of car.
It was too late to go get the new Rx for suppositories tonite. I will go first thing in morning. PLEASE, Ihope they help, hope they work at least a little bit. easy child keeps trying to eat and drink, but everything comes back. DR at first refused to believe us. THought easy child was just saying it, and not trying to eat or drink... Until she saw the lab work. easy child is now accuseing her unborn baby of being at least suicidal andmaybe homicidal. <sigh>
Please no crisis with easy child, husband, difficult child or boyfriend tonite, I NEED a break.....easy child needs a break.....
Yes,now I am going to bed.