Birthday invitation


Well-Known Member
I don't know that it's wise to experiment on the day of the party. There's no telling how it will go. I thought the party was next week on Saturday. DDD


New Member
Not to hijack the post, but 3shadows: I am probably the last generation to know about "cafe au lait" for kids. I think cereals and chocolate milk took over in the late 80s, early 90s. At least, that is my experience.
Good luck Malika on your experiment! Just remember that it used to be common, so not that experimental afterall.


Well-Known Member
Well, well... I started coming to France as a teenager but never had café au lait for breakfast, only chocolate (in big bowls)... I know children used to drink diluted wine here, perhaps still do in some circles?
Anyway, reinforced with this tradition, I shall definitely try it today. I like the idea of telling him it is because he is a big boy now, and I think he will go for that too...


New Member
I know children used to drink diluted wine here
LOL I remember that too when I used to stay with my grand parents during the summer! But no worry: it was VERY diluted, just enough to color the water and make me feel special.


He is going to be in for a fair amount of social rejection in France, generally, of course - and already I have fallen out of friendship with a French woman locally because J was rude to her 9 year old son and he got upset; her thesis is that J is the way he is because I am not authoritarian enough...

It isn't just France, although I know Europeans in general are stricter and less tolerant of over-expressive children. I have thanked my lucky stars many times that my daughter was born to me (vegetarian pacifist since age 15) and not my parent's generation (US Baby Boomers). I fully believe my precious daughter would have been beaten into submission by them, and it would have destroyed her. Even now I get the worst looks from the older generation, obviously a "good" mother would be able to stop a 6 year old's tantrum, right? LOL

Living in a small village must be kinda hard....