Bump in the road...



I'll continue to pray for her safety and sobriety, and your stress level and sanity.


If I even thought my daughter was being chased by a drug cartel I would pay for one of those services so I could get the name and address of who those calls belong to and be doing a drive by to see who they are. I would be paying a private detective to see what was going on. That is if I felt she was telling me the truth.

You own the phone, have the telephone number changed. These drug people can't have connections in every phone company to find out what the new number is can they?

I don't know if the phone company can tell me who called if it was a blocked number. I have a very good friend that is a PI, but he is very sick right now.

I could change the phone number, but she would need a sim card, which is doable and I think I am going to arrange that first thing in the morning...

I mentioned the women's shelter and she told me about someone who moved to Italy and changed their name, etc. They found him dead with the emblem on it. She says if someone is not safe in Italy, she wouldn't be safe in a shelter.

I am wondering if something is up...hoping and praying something is up...but what if it is true? She sounds genuinely scared on the phone. :(


OH PG - I think your fears are warranted. I am sorry if I am coming off as an alarmist and please do not read on if it's the wrong time ...

Her fear of being chase and her need for 20K wasn't making sense until I remembered that her boyfriend is in jail

I wasn't sure why he was arrested - I searched the back posts and read that it was drug trafficking - not distribution. So it was a substantial amount of whatever substance. And the PD must have seized the drugs and/or the income at the time of the arrest. In my limited anecdotal experience with people who sold drugs...it's done "on consignment" - especially if it's a larger amount than normal. I imagine her boyfriend owes someone for the drugs (and/or the cash) that were seized at the time of his arrest. She must have been a part of it, even if she was just along for the ride. And since they can't get it from him, they will look to get it from her. And that's why she needs to raise 20K ASAP.


When we talked to our trusted ATOD counselor about enabling/not enabling difficult child last year - specifically about when we should and shouldn't give him money - the counselor replied emphatically that the ONLY time we should give him money - no questions asked - is if he owed a dealer, because we wouldn't get a second chance. I remember it - may have even posted about it - because it really upset me. We were being told not to give him food money, not to pay off his tuition, but to absolutely pay off his dealer if the time ever came. It upset me to the point where I asked a few people about it - my sister in law who is a Chicago Cop, H's friend who is a DEA agent, and another friend with a checkered past - all of whom absolutely agreed with the advice and restated emphatically that the dealer needs to be paid. My naive suburban mom mind was absolutely blown by this "absolute" information and it made me sick. An I filed it away until now.

I am not suggesting that you pay off the money. I would guess that you could do a little digging as to her boyfriend's arrest and verify the amount of contraband if you need to. Maybe even call the DA anonymously and explain what is going on? Maybe they have advice? Even if she can come up with the 20K to buy herself time, it will likely just restart the cycle of her needing to be on the run because she owes someone.

I am sorry to be such an alarmist - but I fear this is bigger than you or her. And I don't think her story is fanciful.

I would consider getting her far out of town. I think talking to the DA or the DEA might be a good start to find out what her best options are.

{{{{hugs}}} and prayers


Sig, I believe you nailed it. The problem is - I don't have 20k. I wouldn't even know where to come up with an amount like that. I certainly can't get a loan for it. I would give them my car if I thought that would take care of it. I am freaking out and yet have to maintain this facade for easy child.... :( meanwhile I feel like screaming and crying right now. She said she has people watching her back but how long will that last??


And I am trying to get her out of town. I am willing to put her on a plane to anywhere!!! She emphatically tells me it won't work and refuses to even discuss it. :(


OK I know many here dont trust the police etc and I dont blame anyone for that. But if she is telling the truth this is too big to be handling on your own in my opinion. I think if it was me I would call the FBI and say you have information and you need some help. I think I would talk to them myself first and find out if this is a likely story and if so what could they do to help if anything..... I wouldnt tell them it was your daughter you were worried about at this point but talk to them to see what they could do to help.... find out options and then I would present any and all of those options to your daughter.

The one thing I dont get is I really dont see how the drug cartel would go after her a long distance for 20K....I just dont think it is that much money to them.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
PG I know you are scared but if you heard any of us tell this story you would be skeptical. It just doesn't add up. She won't let you get her security, she won't go to a shelter, she won't let you call the police. Then do as TL suggests and go to the FBI and DEA. They can't all be in this together. They would certainly know if the cartel she told you is active in your area. What would she say if you told her you were telling her dad? I can't even imagine keeping this from him. She's 19, too young to be able to come up with that kind of money and even drug dealers know that. I'm still trying to figure out how she is going to raise that kind of money from her phone.

If you really thought this was true then why don't you hire a PI to follow her and find out. Or call the FBI and see what they say, maybe they will follow her.


Call the DA, or the DEA. Pour your heart out. Don't tell them it's your daughter. Do tell them you want to get her out if town and to rehab.

Do I think it's the head of a cartel who wants your daughter? No. Do I think it's a mid level dealer, a gang affiliated ***** who is in trouble with his own supplier? Yes.

I have no knowledge of the way they operate - but the best shot may be a gang task force agent.

Do not pay the cartel under any circumstances ..


Well-Known Member
Staff member
PG, you mentioned that you have a good friend who is a PI, could you talk to him, ask his advice, find out if there are any cops/Feds/anyone whom you could trust? I know you said he is very sick, but couldn't he just speak with you and give you advice? This seems like an emergency. And, the director, the one who had the checkered past with dangerous people, could you also check with her? It sounds to me as if you need to find someone who can give you some specific advice, someone whom you can trust, and those two may be able to lead you in the right direction.........


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't think that the police in Atlanta would all be so corrupt that they allow drug dealers to rule the city. I think that if it were my daughter I would be standing on top of my rooftop screaming for help. There has to be someone to be able to go to who would help you determine whether your daughter's life was in jeopardy.


I plan on making calls tomorrow. I don't know what else to do. I am trying to rack my brain to come up with 20k. I haven't a clue. And even if I did get it, she would have to arrange a meeting and who is to say they wouldn't kill her anyway? :(


Well-Known Member
PG you cannot give her 20k, that is insanity. You really should tell your husband what is going on. You notice she doesn't want her dad to know because she knows he will put a stop to this.


Well-Known Member
I'm not really part of this thread. In fact I haven't read the whole thread. on the other hand I am going to input even with-o any full knowledge. IF you give twenty grand.......the next request will be for ten more grand, or more. I understand that the insanity of our children can be contagious. on the other hand "if" I were a "bad guy"....I would be telling my "bad guy dogs" I have me a SUCKER. Sorry but that's the truth. DDD


She is in no way asking me for this money. She does not want me involved at all. She doesn't even want to see me because she is afraid they will see me. She says she refuses to let us suffer for her stupid choices. :(

I am going to tell husband. I have to. I am so preoccupied it is all I can think about. My fear is that he will want to cut her out of our lives completely and forever for safety. He was involved in the same type of activities when he was a young difficult child. difficult child has no knowledge of that. So, he is not completely unfamiliar with that world. But he says he got out of it when it started getting violent. Maybe he can guide me somehow...but I know one place I am going to go to. They may not help, but I am going to try...


Do not come up with the money. I did not mean to put that idea in your head. DO NOT DO IT.

Talk to someone who can give you solid "off the record" advice. Start with the DEA, then try the DA affiliated with her boyfriend's case. If you get nowhere with them, try the FBI, the ATF. (they are the nat'l gang crime agents) Look for a social services organization that helps gang members get out. Someone,somewhere will know what you should do. Her situation will make sense to someone.

DO NOT EVEN THINK OF PAYING MONEY OUT. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHERE IT WILL LEAD. It could make it worse.your major pd should have a gang task force. Let them help.


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad you are telling husband and that you have a plan. Don't discount the fact that your difficult child knows how worried you are and she doesn't have to ask you for 20k to know you would give it to her if you thought that would keep her safe.


Do you think I would be safe calling from my cellphone or should I drive to the DA's office?