Buster personality change


Well-Known Member
Great! What a relief.
When my difficult child was little and he caught a cold, all he did was sleep. Those were the few peaceful days I had when he was younger. :)


Yeah, now that I know what it is I can't believe something so simple completely sent me into a tail spin. No one but you guys would understand the fear I felt.


Roll With It
I just saw this and am so glad it is something rather easily fixed. Not that a sore throat isn't bad, just that it isn't nearly as bad as it could be.

DDD is right. You are a very special mom. I could NOT have coped with as many young children at once the way you do. My kids are spread a total of eight yrs apart and I often thought I would go nuts. I have long said that I will know I have died and gone to Hades if I suddenly find myself teaching kindergarten or first grade or preschool. I just am not very good with large groups of kids who are young.

I think that the way you noticed the change is great. You are clearly very in tune with each of your kids. I am so glad that this was a short term illness and NOT a more severe problem.