Can a parent monitor a Blackberry from the internet?


New Member

My 14 year old is "out of control".

It's a long story and hopefully I can

articulate it real soon.

Right now I'm trying to keep her safe.

I can't believe the scorn I have for cell phones and facebook.

I kept her off but her non-custodial Mom (lives 8 hours away) bought her a Blackberry and a Laptop 3

months ago and now my girl is defiant, viral and behaving like the difficult children in this board. I've raised her since

she was 6 on my own.

I have to tactfully pull her back but it maybe too late.


Cent :twister2:


Well-Known Member
Hi Cent, welcome.
I have no idea, but someone here who is more technically competent will show up.
Meanwhile, I know you are in good company, competing against a non-custodial mom, in regard to values, influence and purchases.


Active Member
There are ways to monitor it. The laptop is easy as you can install the parental control software directly on it. The phone is a little more tricky as it is likely on mom's account, I'm not sure if you can install the parental controls without access to the account.

Of course, you could take the phone and laptop away and lock them up while she is with you. You can't get rid of them completely, but she is not entitled to use them during your parenting time.