Care to join me in a Circle of Support for HopeRemains???


Well-Known Member
Lordy, this is only the second time that I've gotten emotionally engaged to the point of losing sleep. I can not even describe how eager I am to hear from her. It's been close to ten years ago that I "connected in fear" with a new CD member. Lordy, I SO hope she just doesn't have an internet connection. Yikes even my husband (who is a wonderful man but not too "attuned", lol) asked tonight have you heard from the young Mom yet? Her silence is impacting me. No, I don't blame her but I am so eager tohear that she and her son are safe. Sigh. DDD


CD Hall of Fame
You're not the only one that keeps checking back and hoping she's simply without a connection DDD. I think we're all doing it.


....Hopeful Now
Wish one of us had a way to contact her via cellphone text just to make sure she and her son are safe . I keep checking here as well


Well-Known Member
I hope she is just busy getting settled into her new life that she hasn't had time to think of us. DDD