Cat health question


New Member
We adopted a new family member "Beaux" a few weeks ago from the local shelter. He is a very sweet, extremely patient, medium haired solid black FAT cat. While at the shelter he was given all his shots and I believe prior to being found by the shelter, he was fixed. He may have been fixed while at the shelter. My reasoning for thinking it may be before is because his hair is fully grown in and he doesn't spray. So we brought him home thinking we may not need a vet visit for a bit, but now I'm wondering if I should take him in. His ears are warm, which if I remember correctly (been a long time since having a cat), this is a sign of ear mites. The hair behind and in front of his ears is thin, but I'm not sure if its really thin or just visible since his skin is white and his hair is black. He scratches a bunch, but all I find is dry skin, no fleas. I've given him a bath in a flea dip, but no fleas floating around and no sign of them. I hate taking animals to the vet when they are healthy and paying out the wazzooo for a visit when its not needed. He was at the shelter for months prior to adoption and they have an onsite vet. Do you think this is dry skin/allergies or should I take him in to see if its fleas or ear mites? Is there another way to tell if its ear mites? Is there over the counter medicine that won't hurt him if its not ear mites? Need some advice as to how to take care of my new baby.

He is the perfect cat for my busy house. He is so patient with my 3 year old even when she holds him and squeezes him, he just runs off if he sees her in time, but when she catches him, he just bats his paw at her, even though he has claws, he doesn't scratch her or bite. At night when all the kids go to bed, he climbs up in my lap and puts one paw on each side of my neck and kisses my face. He acts more like a dog than a cat. When we leave the room hes in, he gets up and follows us and lays on the floor by our feet. He is just too sweet for words. Now if I could just figure out whats buggin him without it costing a gazillion dollars. Our puppy cost us $1400 her first week home with us a year and a half ago. She had parvo and had to spend a week at the vets and was on all kinds of medications for a month after. We couldn't adopt any other animals for at least 6 months because parvo stays in the soil for that long. There is NO such thing as a free animal! : )


If it's ear mites, he would be scratching his ears. A lot. He could have skin allergies or just dry skin. My cats' ears feel warm a lot of the time. There will also be black flecks in the ears if it's ear mites. I wouldn't get OTC stuff for ear mites as it's a pesticide and some cats don't react well to it. I would have him checked by the vet if you're worried. It doesn't sound like much going on...probably only a charge for an office visit and medications if any are needed. by the way, most shelters require that you have the animal checked by a vet within a certain time after adopting.


Active Member
Most shelters have a mandatory spay/neuter contract, so my guess is he is definitely neutered - but boy can they pick up some bugaboos in the shelter. I would have him looked at a vet, just to make sure he did not bring anything home with him. He sounds like a wonderful cat.........a perfect addition to your home!


New Member
He is definately fixed, the shelter listed that on his sheet, I'm just not sure when it was done. They do recommend that you take any adopted animal to the vet within 48 hours, but I didn't see that it was mandatory. I'm thinking with all his scratching that if the vet can help, the cat will be much relieved, so I guess that I will give them a call tomorrow.


Active Member
My black kitten had mites and a yeast infection last summer and he scratched a lot with the mites and had a lot of black blotches. It took consistent treatment to get it down but it didn't really leave until the weather got cold. Also, he has always had thin areas of fur from the eye to the ears--I just think it shows so much because of the contrast.

Congrats on finding the ideal cat for your family. My cat's idea of affection is placing one paw on me (while he's laying on the floor of sofa; anywhere but on the lap) and purring away.


Active Member
Something I read somewhere, and it wouldn't hurt - a drop of warm olive oil, dripped into the ear and gently rubbed in, would hopefully suffocate any mites plus moisturise and soothe inflamed or dry skin. No pesticides involved, it won't hurt him if he licks it off and a gentle cat usually loves having ears rubbed like this.

The ears might be warm for a number of reasons -

1) He's a black cat, and black cats will feel warmer to the touch all over, especially if he's been lying in the sun. Black body radiation...

2) The ears have a lot of blood vessels, these dilate if he's happy, relaxed, comfortable, warm. A white rabbit I had would get very red-looking ears when I was patting him and he was enjoying it, because it was like a blushing girl, his ears' blood vessels dilated with pleasure at being stroked. We're all mammals, all very similar. Did you ever have any kids at school you knew, whose ears would glow red if they got embarrassed or excited?

Just some ideas.



New Member
My middle difficult children ears do that. Very smart thinking, I would have never considered that! I'll definately try the olive oil today and see how it goes. Thanks Marg!