circle of support for hound dog


Well-Known Member
Lisa...I had a weird psychotic episode when the boys were very young. Jamie and Cory were around 4 and 2. We had just undergone and major move, I had just completed college, and I was attempting to go back to work full-time. One day I was in my room and suddenly I saw blood dripping down the walls and the flowers in the drapes were faces that looked like they were trying to talk to me. No one else was in the room with me TG!

I just knew that blood was my boys blood and that if I ever physically disciplined them again it would run down the walls. Somehow I also knew it wasnt a "real" thing I was seeing and managed to tear myself out of that room and go out to deal with the family like normal. I never saw the blood again but whenever I was alone in the bedroom those drapes drove my crazy! Those faces always stared at me. I was glad when we moved away. I never forgot that blood and I never spanked my boys again out of fear. Tony did the spanking because he wasnt going to be hurting them like I was afraid I would do.

I only told the story of the blood and the faces years later when the boys were in their late teens because I still thought they might come take them because I was "that crazy" Even after I had my bipolar diagnosis...I didnt tell. In fact, I dont think I told it until I had my therapist. I think I had told tony at one point but he assumed I was talking about a recent medication reaction.