Circle of Support for Marg


Well-Known Member
If you check out Marg's mamogram thread, she got back her results and they are not what we prayed for. You know we have the ability to help her heal through out this journey.

So, it is time the board picked up the magic if you know what I mean! Let's get Marg healthy again with a good dose of board support.

Sending major healing and supportive thoughts to you today Marg!


Reaching out to.....


Here we go again!
the SoCal Chicken Coop where we do the chicken liver dance, in various states of dress, to ensure a successful journey towards renewed health... then on to...


Going Green
Similarly wintery Indiana (minus the kayaking). Good thoughts, vibes and lots of bead rattling headed your way.

It's not like really any of us can pop by with a casserole but if there IS anything we can do, let us know!

Reaching out to...


And to snowy Missouri... Praying for a quick journey back to health, and peace for your mind and soul throughout.

And on to....

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Grabbing on to LDM's hand from Ohio and stretching out to................

You're in my thoughts and my prayers Marg.



member since 1999
Marg - sending all my good thoughts to you. I just can't find words right now to express ... whatever I'm trying to express. ;) But know that you will stay in my heart.


Spork Queen
I haven't read the thread yet, but if I know Marg, she'll beat anything. She's got that Australian spunk. Will be thinking of you.
