Could use some good board juju, please


Active Member
Missy is unstable again. I could use some board juju to get through this week, until we get her bloodwork and the neuro can increase her seizure medications. Hopefully, that will stabilize her again.


Prayers and positive thoughts ongoing from me, Loth. Looking forward to a positive update soon.


Here we go again!
Fingers crossed they can figure out a solution quickly... and that you and she can get through this period with minimal drama.


Shooting from the Hip
Lots of hugs, prayers and bead rattling of all kinds. And extra hugs for Missy and patience for you.


Active Member
Got the call from the neuro today.....levels were lower than should be and we increased the Trileptal. I said to her....Do I know my daughter or what? She laughed. SCORE!! Now, hopefully, this will kick in quickly. She's been having almost daily meltdowns for weeks. ICK!