

Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot the sweet taters!

Taters star...get it right! Sheesh. Taters have to have brown sugar, a little cinnamon and a lot of butter. YUM! Hot out the oven.

How bout hot boiled peanuts? Pickled eggs?


call 911
New crop - fresh from the shriners at Walmart - lol

Pickled eggs I am SURE are ABSOLUTELY no good if they haven't sat in a jar of beet juice and vinegar, in some dusty, forgotten corner store for at least a year.

How do you say BBQ?

Is it.......BAH bay QUE? lol......NO Maurice, Your sauce does NOT make me happy.

Some time I'll tell you about the time I was supposed to make the green beans for a cookout.....I asked the butcher for a "hog leg" and he said "Well you may find that in the spice aisle, but I think it's illegal. Do you mean hog jowl?" ( ) and then you ADD the bacon grease??

Don't even get me started on what makes good okra, collards and the fact that I can bake better sweet cornbread than Aunt Jemimah. I can....too.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful and Janet are making me hungry.

Now how do I know all about this southern cooking..........when I was born and raised in Illinois??? Parents were too. least on one side.

I grew up on this stuff. OH, don't forget fried taters n onions. YUM Ham n beans.......(sniff can't have anymore cuz I'm the only one who likes them)'re the only other person outside of my family that I've heard talk about sweet rice. We do ours with a tad of milk, vanilla extract, and sugar. My kids won't touch it any other way. :rofl: I'm going to be dreaming about food all night. I'll probably gain 20 lbs by morning.


Spork Queen
Alright. First of all, who in their right mind would order Cream of Wheat at a restaurant? Blah. That's what you eat when you're a starving student. *snort* Never liked the stuff. No wonder people put all kinds of stuff on it. You have to cover up the taste.

You can toss grits in that category as well. I wish I could remember this restaurant chain in Florida. Their forte was grits. It didn't matter what you'd get this huge pile of what looked like to me of poo. Hot fudge sunday? Sure. Now here's your pile of grits. I'm in a good mood today so I tossed some on top of your ice cream. Bleh. boiled peanuts??? Oh, how I miss those. A friend of mine and I would go to the beach every Friday afternoon and there would be this cruddy roadside stand that had the BEST ones. Warm...salty...I'd eat a bad right now and it's not even 6am.



Well-Known Member
Waffle House?

We have fried taters and onions when we have hot dogs and beans. LOL.

Star...I will put Tony's collards up against yours any He makes the best collards I have ever tasted. Other people ask for his recipe. He also makes the best fried fish.

Cory has learned to cook from his daddy and makes wonderful food. Fried pork chops, pintos, baby limas, ...the boy can cook.


Shooting from the Hip
If you don't like grits, they were not prepared properly.

I have had them two ways that I liked them.

Butter and salt, and some pepper... or CHEESE, butter, salt and pepper.

Made 'em for my mom once - a rabid grit-hater - and she loved them.


Cream of wheat... Never had it. Probably a close cousin of Malt O'Meal, which I loved as a kid and still love. Brown sugar and butter. No milk, thank you.


Going Green
OMG......Waffle House. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE waffle house!!!

husband, difficult child and I went to Louisville for a wedding one time and had my little brother with us (I'd say that difficult child and little bro were probably about 12ish). We went to Waffle House for breakfast and my brother and I are a lot alike. We get our food and for some stupid reason, husband is trying to make conversation. My brother and I just look at each other like husband is nuts and then proceed to assume the shoveling position. We didn't come up for air until our plates were clean.


I don't know weather to be grossed out or hungry hehe
husband's family has given me a hard time for years...they are all in back woods Louisiana and eat alot of wild game. bleck bleck yuck
I told my kids the last time that we traveled on Christmas Day and we had to eat at Waffle house that I would never again. Next time, we will pack sandwiches or eat gas station junk. Sometimes its fun to watch your food being prepared, and sometimes its down right scary...WH would be the latter.
Now...someone said boiled peanuts????? thats my kind of food!


Well-Known Member
Oh I love WH! Give me 2 eggs sunny side up with a double order of hash browns scattered, smothered, covered and chunked, with a side order of bacon and some toast and I am a happy camper.

For all you non-waffle house folks...that is a double order of hash browns which are shredded potatoes fried on the grill in a little oil, scattered on the grill instead of a little round template, smothered with onions, covered in cheese, and chunked with some ham.


Spork Queen
Oh I love WH! Give me 2 eggs sunny side up with a double order of hash browns scattered, smothered, covered and chunked, with a side order of bacon and some toast and I am a happy camper.

For all you non-waffle house folks...that is a double order of hash browns which are shredded potatoes fried on the grill in a little oil, scattered on the grill instead of a little round template, smothered with onions, covered in cheese, and chunked with some ham.

My God, Janet. That would be enough food to sustain me for a week. You Southerners... You'd have to wheel me out the door.



Spork Queen
Awww...Janet, you're not fat. (Hugs) You just love good food!! I just can't do heavy meals anymore. Give me a big salad, some tofu, banana...I'm good. H always wants to make waffles/pancakes in the morning, which is nice. I can do about half a cake and I'm done.

Go tear up that WH.:D



Well-Known Member
I dont like pancakes or that stuff in the morning...I like them at night. I need protein in the morning. I never tried tofu. Looks yucky. Would be willing though. I just learned to love sushi about 5 years ago. Now I want to try all different kinds.

When I was growing up everything I ate was either boiled, broiled or baked. Came down south and everything is fried or grilled. Mostly fried. I think that is why I put on so much weight. My northern genes didnt stand a southern Even though I am from VA, my genes are from Boston. I dont remember real meals being cooked in my family. I think I was fed when I was hungry. Not this three big meals a day thing. That was a big shock to me.


Well-Known Member
Golly! I feel like I've fallen down a rabbit hole.
Squirrel? Grits? Taters?

Now, I've eaten critters, but more along the lines of Buffalo, Elk, Caribou, Moose...
Are they too big to be critters?

Cream of Wheat, yes. Good heavens, all little English children do. And the only proper way is with brown sugar and evap (that's Evaporated Milk...almost like sweet thick milk syrup, if you can imagine). And maybe Lyle's Golden Syrup, if you're feeling really adventurous. Butter on Cream of Wheat would get giggles or stern looks, depending on who's at the head of the table.

Pancakes, waffles...well, we're right next door to Quebec, home of the best sugar bushes and therefore the best maple syrup. Pancakes and waffles are simply a device to convey the maple syrup to the mouth.

With regard to the other stuff, you've lost me. Well, except for tofu. LOVE tofu.



Spork Queen
Come on, Janet...I won't push the moose on you, but tofu is great. You cook it like any other meat and it takes on the flavor of whatever you're cooking. I just don't eat it raw. Spaghetti, hamburgers, tacos, name it. Oriental is the best. Tons of protien, low calories and just plain very healthy for you.

My favorite is just to cube it, pan fry till it's golden brown, toss in some seasoning and whatever veggies I need to get rid of and place it on a bed of rice. Yummm... (and cheap)



Well-Known Member possum is back! I thought he had fled the scene but nope, he took up hiding in the laundry room. I scared him when I went to look in the freezer and he startled me and we both took Now Buddy has him treed behind the big buffet in my living room. Sigh. I cant move that monstrosity.


call 911
Anyone for a great pot of Lowcountry boil?

How about Brunswick stew?

Catfish stew with corn pones? I swear I used to think they said Catfish stew with pine cones. (YOU GO YULE GIBBONS)

Greenbeans with white potatoes and fatback

Cooter stew. (theres a story I can't tell here) :surprise: IT's TURTLE.

WE just had a crawdad festival - complete with front page newspaper directions on how to grab, hold, crack and **** the brains out of a crayfish.

(hands a paper sack to those barfing)

Tripe.....yeah just looking at tripe makes me want to barf.

Pork cracklings - do not not ask.

Calves liver, brains -

Tongue - Although my Dad used to like this there is NO way you will ever get me to eat something like that.

Waffle House? I enjoy my scattered, smothered, covered, chunked - just like Janet. But I like my waffle with pecan. (thats peecan not Peh kahn) lol

I suppose it's not much different than watching that man on the travel channel who eats bugs on a stick. But there are just SO many good reasons to be vegan here.


Well-Known Member
Now we have to give mention to good ole chicken bog.

Cant live in SC without that. Both my dad and Tony love tongue but you wont catch me near the things. Tony loves pudding but it aint the kind of pudding you think it Ever see that stuff in the sausage section that looks like a BM in a package...well that is it. YUCK!

I almost gagged the first time I saw it. I was visiting his fathers place and opened the fridge and saw that stuff on a plate in the fridge. I thought someone had played a practical joke and took a dump on a