Dealing with trolls and disruptive people; my new boundary


Well-Known Member
sometimes their difficult child gets their act together and they no longer need this site...

Kris passed away at least 6 years ago. I wouldn't want to lose access to her posts if they are still here, though, so I hope that we keep her account active. She was a dear friend.
The other day I came on and somehow ended up reading somewhere in the middle of the ruckus!! By the time I read all that and past posts, my head was about to explode!! I even had to read to husband!

Thank goodness for this kind site and you guys who help us make sense of crazy lives!!! Thank you x 100!

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Well-Known Member
Dont forget CrazyinVA, she is a mod here too.

About that vision of moderator's with spiderwebs...years ago my middle son Jamie went to Las Vegas. He was trying to find souvenir gifts for all of us and he found me this little statue to go on my desk that was of a person who became a skeleton while sitting in front of a computer. He said it reminded him of me!