
New Member
I am trying to work on that tomorrow,but what will happen,if I can't get appointment before public school starts here in August?


New Member
He had a July appointment on the 26th for those testing,but theycancelled,do to doctor leaving,they said they would have to call me back with-another appointment but I don't know when.I then called the developmental center,the lady told me that they usually see up to 12 years old,but she will cater people together including a medical doctor,and set up an appointment for testing.She said she would get back to me next week


New Member
Its so weird'it comes in spirts...everything is calm and back to normal now.Wondering besides,the porn and blocking it, if the goings on,of his sister and a 3 and 6 year old made him explode?the space we were in is small,everyone talking at once...I had to leave the room because I couldn't hear .....something set him off other then,getting the last word with-his sister


Just wanted to add my welcome. Sorry I've been gone a few days. It does sound like you need an advocate with the school. You probably won't be able to get everything you sant in place before school starts, but an advocate will help a lot.


New Member
The disability rights center called me today,she said that the school does not even have to look at any evaluations out side of the school,nor write in any reccomendations from testing out side of school if they don't want to,that's why I should in writing request a full testing done on him,and then if I do have any outside testing done ask them in writing to compare the rest results.She saidvdo everything in writing.She told me to write out my request for testing including behavior assessment and plan,as well as any accommodations/mods I want added to his IEP.She did not say what would happen if they still said no.but now I need a sample letter to go by,as I never done it this way before.