New Member
I honestly don't know what to do anymore, my life feels irrevocably broken! My son is only 9, but I already feel like he's completely lost to me. He's set fires, is physically violent, has a foul mouth, steals, lies, is lazy, oppositional, defiant, lacks remorse or feelings for others, does odd random things that most don't, he's impulsive, volatile, angry, horribly destructive, and just draining to know. I feel like I'm raising a sociopath and it's a constant struggle with guilt in how I feel about him. I'm tired, physically, emotionally, and spiritually tired. Our whole house burnt down when he was 3. I'm divorced, with a lot of the reason coming down to my ex husbands inability to handle being around him. I am now a single parent without an ounce of joy in my life. Over the years I've tried medication (years now anf mutipke combos) counseling (for 3 months wasn't making a difference and he was refusing to go at the end and not participating when he did), time outs (in his room until he started destroying everything,then in a chair in the center of a room ever since), loss of privileges (electronics etc, he doesn't seem to care), reward systems (for years, in school, at home, using money, things, places, activities, etc nine seemed to be abke to grab his attention for longer than a day or two) charts and structure, being strapped to my hip 24/7 (literally for a year), spankings (yes I even tried this too when it seems I'd exhausted all my other resources with zero effect come to find out all it does is make him push back even harder, parenting classes (love and logic anyone). Only problem is nothing motivates, changes, registers in his head or sparks any conscience or forethought. I feel like I'm in hell, and I simultaneously have a heart that is breaking for him, and a strong desire for someone to take him away so he can stop tormenting me and his siblings. The guilt is unbearable at times. This week alone I have dealt with broken door trim from slamming doors, a crack in my wall, 2 boxes of spaghetti noodles down my vent, him peeing in bottles and hiding them around the house, and peeing off the back deck, a cop call because of him breaking glass on the walking trail at the park (the park is our back yard), him breaking more glass again the day after the cop call. Refusal to pick up after himself, he stole from on of his brothers friends and from Wal-Mart. He was calling his sister's (17) friend a whore while out front with neighbors in witness, multiple fights with his brother (15), hitting and kicking one if his brothers friends, then turning on me when I was physically removing him calling us all names in the process. When I allowed him a video (at the beginning of the week when do was trying to reward for good behavior) on Amazon (how to train your Dragon 2) he got my password and proceeded to order 300 dollars worth of candy, which I might add got shipped to an address we no longer live at. No sooner than dealt with that and he took my phone while I was taking a bath, downloaded a game, and ordered 343 dollars worth of in game purchases through Google play. This caused me to not have rent money. There's never a moment of peace, every time I turn around there's some kind if disaster and I feel hopeless. I've cried multiple times this week, my daughter's cried, my son keeps telling me to "get rid of him cause he's not gonna change" I can barely hold down a job (although I have 2) because it's always calls from school or some natural disaster happening. When I'm at work (The only place I feel like I have any control over ) I constantly worry about what's currently going wrong wherever he is, because it is daily... hourly and consistently so. I can't have a relationship, no one wants to deal with this, and I can't blame them. I barely have friends. I work to death to have the money stolen or used up to fix the many broken things. I'm constantly trying and yet im not getting anywhere. I just want it all to stop because I've been being way too strong for way to long and im reavjing my bresking point