difficult child being released Thursday


New Member
There is an opening in a group home about a half hour from here. difficult child is to be released, go to the socialization program and will be housed at the group home until he can live independantly or if he proves unable to accomplish that goal, until another plan can be in place. I am told there will be consequences if he gets kicked out of this setting and those consequences could include being sent back to prison. Please pray that difficult child is sucessful this time and I can get a new evaluation done ASAP that will help with future placements. I am nervous given his history. I am also hopeful that he has learned a serious lesson and that it will deter him from getting into any more trouble. Prognosis is guarded at best. -RM


Well-Known Member
Hoping all goes well at the group home, mine is at a halfway house now, I think thats similar to a group home, not sure.

Wishing you and your difficult child all the best!


New Member
Thank you Janet. I know you understand all that I am feeling right now. God bless you and Ant also. I am so sorry for the pain you both are in right now.

BBK Thank you for the prayers and a resounding Amen to your sentiments.


New Member
Thank you Barbara. I think the work has only just begun. But this time I am hoping difficult child will do his part. husband has such a defeatist attitude I told him today that if he cannot be positive on the surface he may make difficult child feel like "why bother". I told husband that I didn't want any self fulfilling prophesies. I said he was allowed to have thise feelins and to protect is heart but not to be negative around me because he will bring me down and not to be negative around difficult child because difficult child is astute enough to to pickup on it. I said that difficult child needs to feel like we are behind him. I suggested husband go back on his antidepressant as a preventitive. I felt that was a reasonable request given husband's past history but he is in the arrogant "I don't need that, I don't like the way it made me feel, I don't think it works anyway" mode. Even thought everyone has told him how much better he did while on it. ARRRRRRRRRG! So I read husband the riot act also and told him that I would not go through another one of his boughts of infidelity due to his depression ever again and that if he didn't take the medications and he did go to that dark place again I would leave for good. And I will. I am a different person now. I come first.

In addition difficult child called and he didn't know about the release so I told him that it is going to happen soon but that I wasn't going to tell him the day or time so that he wouldn't get all worked up if it didn't happen as planned. I said that he would know when it happened. He laughed and said "yeah". I also told him not to tell anyone because they tend to tease alot when someone is on short time and that I didn't want him to blow it. I hope he listens to me and keeps mum. I'm going to be on pins and needles until he is safetly turned over to the home. =RM


((((rejectedmom)))))))) Big hugs for you and your son. I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I do pray that he uses this fresh start as a clean slate to turn things around. Blessings to you xo


No real answers to life..
Sometimes you just want to grab them and say Wake up and fly right.....if only it would work.......thinking of you and hoping some maturity can enlighten your difficult child......


Active Member
That's great RM! It's even better that a bed has opened up. I'm thinking difficult child did not really like his most recent "living residence" so hopefully this will be a little more comfortable.

Do I remember correctly that you have him on your insurance? Will you be able to get a new evaluation? Will the group home work with voc rehab? I can't remember, but does he qualify for SSI?


New Member
I'm saying prayers for you guys RM. It sounds like a really good opportunity for difficult child. I hope everything works out, my friend.


Well-Known Member
Yep.........it's good news! Happy Dance and Hip Hip Hooray!
I'm thrilled he is having a chance at success. Hugs. DDD


Active Member
My mantra has become "Hope for the best. Be emotionally prepared for the worst".

I have had to learn to not have any expectations really. That way I'm not as disappointed when life takes a turn I don't expect.

Praying your son begins to make better choices RM.

Praying also for your peace and God's strength.


New Member
Sharon, MicheleL, WMM, Janna, DDD, Thanks for the god thoughts and prayers. We will be needing them.

Goldenguru, "Hope for the best. Be emotionally prepared for the worst". Yep that is precisely where I am at.

Sunny, Yes difficult child is on our insurance until the spring when he turns 21. He also gets a small adoption subsidy that we are using to help pay his rent. The group home will do vocational rehabilitation and get him plugged into all kinds of other supports. His caseworker there said that when his insurance and subsidy ran out maybe we can get him to qualify for SSI. We will have to wait and see. He will qualify for medical though if he is unemployed or falls below a certain income level. I am going to try to get a new and complete evaluation ASAP. NIH was interested in him a while back because of his genetic defect so i will contact them first.



New Member
You know I'm routing for you all. I hope he gets out of this group home what he needs to live a happy, healthy, successful life.

My h said two years ago that our son would never stay out of trouble or remain clean. Well I guess he showed him, so hopefully your difficult child will show yours. I always hated that attitude.


New Member
Karen, your story is the reason I still have hope. Thank you for sharing and supporting me through so many rough times.

Witz, Thanks for the positive energy!