difficult child Meets Skill Builder Tomorrow - Wish Her Luck !


New Member
As part of the wraparound services, we were offered a "Skill Builder". (Sounds a bit like a superhero, doesn't it?? :rofl:).

difficult child was assigned a female skill builder, and she will be making her first visit with him tomorrow. Basically, if I understand it correctly, she will meet twice a week with difficult child. Sometimes they will stay here at our house - and sometimes she will take him out for activities. We had to come up with a list of his strenghts and weaknesses and things we would like her to work on with him.

difficult child is resistant to meeting with her at all. He doesn't consider himself as needing anyone to work with him on anything. So far, he has been gracious to the staff we've met, so hopefully he will take a liking to her and things will go swimmingly.

Crossing my fingers, anyway.


hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm difficult child I (ADD/Learning Disability (LD)) could use one of these!

timer lady

Queen of Hearts

kt is into her 3rd week of "ignoring" Integrated Listening Systems (ILS) therapist. Kind of cracks me up because she can't ignore anything for more than 30 seconds unless it's a request to help with dishes.

Good luck tomorrow. difficult child may feel overwhelmed with all these new services.


New Member
Thanks, ladies, for the well wishes.

However, difficult child didn't sleep a wink last night - he was stressing over meeting his skill builder, etc. Then, about noon, she called and canceled, saying that her supervisor had accidentally scheduled two appointments at the same time???? :slap: Poor difficult child. He was upset and relieved at the same time.

She has rescheduled for Friday morning - 9:00 a.m. - and says she's going to take him for a 2 hour activity.

Hope she eats her Wheaties!! Will let you know how it goes.