Does anyone else talk to themselves in their head


Well-Known Member
I have been to that site many times. Thanks.

Yes, Buck is one of my more pressing trials right now. I have about one nerve left and he is grating on it badly. It is always, always, always something with him so badly that I know he is doing it on purpose just to antagonize me. No one can be as completely stupid as he acts and be his age. Im eating beef stew and he announces to all of us that he has daily bowel movements every morning. Just out of the blue. While I am taking a bite of beef stew. I gave my stew to the dog.

I am having a really bad tooth ache right now and have to go to the dentist Monday to get the tooth pulled. It started Thursday and I have been dealing with it by taking pain pills and ambesol since then. Every time I either use the ambesol or attempt to eat he asks me...what, you cant eat? Your tooth hurts? Have you tried salt water? Can you put cotton in there?

I have answered him every time and explained where the tooth is, which is one of my front teeth and the issue is the very top between my gum line and the top of the tooth. The enamel was eaten away. The pulp inside is showing. It hurts. Oh I get to hear how wonderful the free clinic in SC was where he got his teeth was. They did all his teeth for him. No problems. Free too.

And dont even get me started on Burger King and him. I will never eat at another Burger King again.


Roll With It
(((((hugs))))) I want to give Buck a hug but the kind I have in mind will keep him from breathing for a nice long time. Not that I want to touch him, eeeuuuuwww, but that "pillow hug" as my Gma's friends called smothering someone with a pillow is the type i have in mind for Buck. I hate that you have to deal with him. Why can't he go to work with Tony? After all, Tony is the one who likes him so much, isn't he?

Anyway, I totally respect you for having a plan. When the medications won't control things for me and the docs can't do much more, well, I will say goodbye then. My mom has a liver disease and could possible get a transplant in her 70s if things get to that point, but she has flat out said she refuses. She has too many health problems, and can't see taking a partial liver from someone when it won't last that long in her. She said if she was in her 50s and it got to that point then she might have considered it, but she just doesn't see the point at her age. (NOT in her 70s for a while). About a decade ago she and a friend signed durable healthcare POA for each other because they did not want their kids to have to make that decision, or their spouses. Her friend died about 3 yrs ago from a long bout with cancer. She knows my dad won't ever be able to let her go. Bro has gone off over and over about how selfish she would be to end her life even if she was in great pain because his daughter should have every possible day with her gma and does she want her granddau to know that gma didn't love her enough to live every possible day with her?

Of course bro is full of it, and I have told her that no matter what goes on, if she makes her wishes known, I will make sure they are followed. I think she won't ask me because she knows it would mean that bro hated me for the rest of his life. I haven't had the heart to tell her that he already does, so what does it matter? I just let her know that I know what she wants as far as not being kept alive in pain and on machines and I will do whatever is needed to have her wishes followed. Heck, I could pull an easy 10 people from the chronic pain support group we were in for years who have heard her say this time and time again if I had to prove it in court.

I think your goals are pretty good, but maybe the therapist doesn't know what you need to cope with?