easy child Could Use Some Board Power


Active Member
thoughts, prayers and hugs coming your way. How scarey for you all. I am glad she is ok, and keep reminding her this too shall pass.


Former desparate mom
So sorry to hear about easy child's accident. So scary. I hope she heals quickly. Hugs.


Active Member
Sending prayers for easy child and her family.

Don't forget about freezer meals for convenience. There are tons of recipes online. I lived by freezer meals when the kids were little and time was short. It was so much easier to take something homemade out of the freezer in the morning and have a healthy dinner that night then try to fix something or buy an expensive pre-made meal at the store. I haven't done many now that the kids are gone, but I still do freezer meatloafs. Anytime I make meatloaf, I make and bake 3. Then I wrap 2 in foil and freeze. Then later in the month, I thaw one out and either re-heat it or use it for sandwiches for husband's lunch.
I'm sending healing thoughts and prayers for easy child and the entire family.

Most states have an "Adult Medically Needy Medicaid Program". They do go by different names, and they are designed for uncovered catastrophic medical expenses. In this state, the patient needs to present the catastrophic medical bills that cannot be paid, and apply at the local TANF office (used to be called "welfare"). Very few families know about this program - and it is a shame. It must be reapplied for on a regular, monthly, basis - and that is a drag. However, it is WELL worth the time involved.

Additionally, if the hospital accepts ANY federal grant monies, they MUST offer some free care to uncovered patients. One of the hospital social workers would know about this program if the hospital has it , and can give the information to easy child and sister in law. This information is usually not given out freely and is a kind of closely guarded secret. But the hospital must offer the care. Here's a link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill

Finally, all medical bills are open for bargaining. My sister in law, whose insurance would not cover her bilateral knee replacements due to a pre-existing condition of arthritis discovered this in a big, big way. She was able to reduce the $90,000 hospital bill to $30,000 by working with the financial office. This is because, crazy as it seems, folks without insurance are charge more than insurance companies. Nuts, isn't it?

We've walked this path with difficult child after his accident - and we know - you can truly only take it a day at a time. We had many, many people praying for him; and I know this made a huge difference in his recovery. My thoughts are with you.

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