Even when it's over, I don't think it's going to be over.


Well-Known Member
I don't think this was about the emails. It certainly delighted Trump supporters. But doubt it changed many minds. It was very bizarre with Comey. But not a game changer in my opinion. Hillary shifters were so afraid of Trump, I don't think they switched.

I think that people where I live, who voted for Obama twice in the rust belt, were angry that there are still not a lot of jobs. Our main job producers, papermills, are going under. There is nothing to replace those jobs that once made our community financially secure. Our Wisconsin county went heavily for Trump. We are nice people. There is no Klan here. We don't abuse minorities or gays. People are seeing the quality of life going downhill. Thats why they went for Trump. I get it. I live in this area. Like many in this area, although I am liberal, I too get annoyed at the over educated elitists on both coasts who seem to think they are righteous.i Tourette's Syndrome easy to be righteous when you don't have to worry about money.

Big problem is most of those people in the media and the liberals in show business etc. make or have money (journalists included) so how can they possibly relate to somebody from the working class who has never been financially secure,? I always think those rich coastal elites look down on people like me. I know most people where I live feel that way. I understand the urgency to toss the Washington elites out by people like me, although I did unhappily vote for Hillary.

The rust belt is no longer loyal to the Dems. I have no idea how they will get them back. Most of us here don't care about the stock marke numbers...we don't have stock. We don't care about the percentage of working people. We are hard working, but the jobs available here are now largely restaurant and retail work so we work hard for little pay. The job numbers dont tell how many have
good jobs, just jobs.

The media thinks me and my working class cohorts are dummies and losers for not being rich or "enlightened" (although I do think ,*I* am rather world aware). Most here are not. Our woldview is way different from those who have high level jobs and lots of money. Now certainly Trump is rich, but he spoke to my neighbors who are tired of idealism that does not include them. And they did try. They tried Obama twice. But nothing got better for us.

We matter as much as those media elites who regularly dismiss my neighbors. Everybody is important. Even the white working class. And the working class of all races and ethnicities.

Houston, the Democrats have a problem!
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Misc thoughts etc
Copa...you mentioned the Demacratic party possibly acting un democratic. I would read posts on FB from Bernie supporters that said the same. I tell you many of these folks were/are hurt to their very core as they feel their candidate was falsely and un democratically eliminated.

I think it is certainly possible (likely!) our two party system pits people against each other and then the candidates use this in a grotesque manner and they use an unprofessional media to cause further chaos. It may have always been this way to a certain extent but with social media and journalistic UNprofessionalism it has sunk to a new low I suspect.

Can someone give me a succinct definition of the "4th estate" if possible? Thank you.


Crazy Cat Lady
The 4th estate is an old term for the press, ie: journalists. It dates back to way before modern media, and I think the term originated in France.


Well-Known Member
This election has had me up in arms for the past year. I don't want this to be a political post. I know that's not allowed here. I just want to voice my frustrations over my so called Facebook "friends" who are deleting people left and right who don't vote for who they are voting for. They are literally dropping people like flies over disputing political views.

As for myself, I do not support either candidate for very good reasons. I have already stated that publically on Facebook. I couldn't help but respond when two of my friends claimed they are deleting whoever is voting for Trump. I am not voting for Trump, but I did have to tell my two friends that I would never delete anyone who disagrees with my political views.

I have die hard republicans on my page, and die hard democrats as well. I myself am an independent. I have a lot of my friends posting about political views and I don't agree with many of them. They are still my friends. I am more mature than to delete somebody and essentially disown them for disagreeing with me. I actually kind of like the fact that I have so many different people from so many walks of life who have differing views on various issues on my page.

The two friends who I spoke with about rethinking their view of deleting anybody who votes opposite of who they are voting for, ended up deleting me for speaking my mind. One of them I really couldn't care less about. Good riddance. The other one I honestly considered a very good friend of mine. I am hurt he would disown me for speaking my mind. I thought he was more mature than that.

I have no idea who is going to win this election. I have been waiting for months for it to be over. But even after today has gone, I am sure I will still have the same stubborn, obstinate friends insisting the polls were rigged if their candidate didn't win, and the big time complaining and carrying on about how much this country is gonna be screwed. I have never seen my friends so divided over an issue like this, and I don't like it. That's just my two cents.
I can't believe that some of my FB contacts are saying they are cutting family members and friends out of their lives forever because they voted a certain way. Until now, I've never known anyone to cry over an election. In past elections when the candidate I voted for didn't win, the day after the election I went on with my life. I went to work, swam after work, went home and cooked dinner, then soaked in the tub like I did every other day before. It didn't bother me that much that my candidate didn't win. People think the election outcome impacts their lives more than it really does.


Well-Known Member
I am happy to say the protesters and haters have mostly stopped posting political stuff on my Facebook. BUT, I have a feeling when Trump gets inaugurated in will start up again. For now, I am enjoying the peace and quiet.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Couldn't agree more.

I actually cried when I voted. I voted by mail. I couldn't feel good about my vote. I had seriously thought about not voting. But, my husband talked me into it. All the usual reasons. The funny thing is we ended up voting for different people AND he had to toss it into the mailbox for me because I was too upset. I just did NOT feel good about it one bit.

AND for the first time EVER, I was "unfriended" for my political viewpoint, which is ironic, because I am basically an Independent and see things all across the board. Sometimes I worry that this might mean that EVERYONE will despise me because people, especially lately, seem to have such very strong views and such very strong black and white views. Anyway, this particular woman, I agree with some of her thoughts and disagree with others. What she objected to the most, I believe, was that I felt it was not good to get overly upset about little things and to argue over little things. This led to me being "unfriended." Then when I wrote her about it via email, she gave me a somewhat peculiar explanation.

All the mis information, cruelty, judgment, mean spirit-ness associated with this election has been a downer.

I'm very fortunate in that one of my closest friends thinks very differently than myself and we remain close friends. My husband and I voted for different people and it has not been a problem. I try to concentrate on that.


Absolutely...my husband and I have always voted differently. But, it's politics...just that.

Love one another, children....it's those everyday things that make up our life....not the political climate.

I heard a man who I know worked on black Friday say...with all the bad talk around the election, people were extremely polite during the crazy shopping.

Bottom line, we all want what's best...