Fly away!
difficult child 2 and his family moved to another county. His girlfriend is in the town I live - the town difficult child 2 used to live in.
difficult child 2 stayed with me last night and went to Homecoming with his girlfriend and was supposed to be home (with me) at 11:30pm.
He feels like no one trusts him (and we don't with good cause), but he's been trying so I tried to give him a little leeway. When he wasn't home at 12:05AM I called him (12AM is my curfew and the city's curfew for minors). Of course, he didn't answer which only means he's up to no good.
I called his mom and she didn't know where he was. While I was on the phone with her, she had her other son call difficult child 2's girlfriend to see if she knew where he was. She had to be home by 11:30 and she was (she doesn't drink or do drugs or get into trouble like difficult child 2). girlfriend told brother that difficult child 2 was out drinking with 2 friends M and W. Brother didn't know M's last name and that's supposedly the house they were at. He did know W's last name. difficult child 2's mom tried to call girlfriend, but girlfriend wouldn't answer.
So, I looked up the last name for W and found an address, but no phone number. It was now 12:15AM. Tried difficult child 2's cell again; no answer. His mom tried; no answer.
So, I get easy child out of bed and tell him we have to go track down and drag difficult child 2's [hiney] home.
We first went to W's house (at least we thought/hoped it was W's house). Lights were on, but nobody answered. We then went to girlfriend's house. Lights were on, but nobody answered.
We waited a few minutes, called difficult child 2's mom, then easy child called girlfriend's phone. She answered. She wanted to know who he was and he told her it wasn't important; that he just needed to know where difficult child 2 was. She told him he was with 2 friends, but she didn't know who. I had easy child give me the phone.
I told girlfriend that I knew that she had told brother that difficult child 2 was with M and W. And I said, "Here's the deal. If you don't tell me where difficult child 2 is so I can bring him home, I will violate his probation and he will go to jail. I'm not trying to be a B, but he's going to be 18 soon and it won't be juvy and drug and alcohol court anymore. It will be big boy jail." She gave me the address. I then told her that is she calls him and gives him a heads up and he's not there, that I'm going to violate him so it's not in his or her best interest to do that.
We get to the address. We can hear all kinds of voices inside and I'm pretty darn sure I heard difficult child 2. Knock on the door - the hard knock like cops always do. And we hear....THUMP THUMP THUMP...of kids running upstairs.
This man answers and he reeks of alcohol. I told him I needed difficult child 2. I must have had the Mom Look and the Mom Voice because he started to say ok and make me wait on the porch, but then let me in. There were several beer cans and a couple of bottles of whiskey on the table.
He called for difficult child 2. I told him he needed to get him before he bolted or I would be calling the police - he's serving alcohol to minors. (I don't about other states, but they're really cracking down on that here and he would go to jail.) At about that time, 2 kids came down and I don't know if it was because they saw me or easy child (cause easy child went to school with them), but one of them said "Holy Bleep". Then they tried to say that the alcohol was old and that it had been there a while.
I asked them if they thought I was stupid. I could smell it. And that I also could hear them thumping all the way up the stairs.
difficult child 2 comes down and wants to know what the big deal is. I was beyond livid at that point and went off. "Are you [bleeping] kidding me??? You were supposed to be home; you weren't. You didn't call. You didn't answer when I called. You didn't let anyone know where you were. And you're here drinking." I then told him he was leaving, to get in the car. He refused. I said, "You either get in the car or I'm calling the police. It's up to you."
He left the house and just kept going. I called the police about the residence - had to give them actual directions because they didn't know the address (don't know how). We drove around the complex trying to find difficult child 2 and saw the other 3 kids (another one came down just before difficult child 2 did) and we saw them going to the house that we went to first - W's house. So, I called the police back and let them know THAT address.
We keep driving around the complex looking for difficult child 2 and this guy walking a German Shepherd stops us. He asked if we're looking for a kid. I said that we were. He wanted to know why. That made me uncomfortable, but easy child said that the kid was really angry and in a rage and we were just trying to bring him home. He said he saw 3 kids and I said that he wasn't with those kids; that he was by himself.
Then a cop shows up and the guy with the dog waves toward him. We parked in case they wanted to talk to us, but then I told easy child to head that way. We stopped at the guy with the dog and I asked him if he was a cop. He said, "I may be." He smelled like he'd been drinking. And I was more than a bit freaked out. I told easy child to go. The guy said something and I said, "If you were a cop, you would have said so." He started to approach the car and I told easy child to GO. He probably was a cop - probably in the K-9 unit, but he creeped me out with the way he was acting and I don't know for sure that he is a cop, Know what I mean??
We find the uniform cop totally lost walking across the complex trying to figure out where he was going. We tell him how to get there. I asked him if that guy was a cop and told him what he said, and he said he might be; that a few cops live in that complex.
difficult child 2 calls his mom. He is totally not in his right mind. He is not on the right medications and I don't know why the psychiatrists won't put him on a MS. He's on 20mg (I think) Prozac and 5mg Zyprexa. He wouldn't tell her where he was...just that he was walking. Which will get him picked up because it's after curfew.
I'm talking off and on with his mom and he seemed to finally calm down and he told her he would be where he was going in 10 minutes and he would call her when he got that.
In the meantime, difficult child 2 texted easy child and told him that I treat him like a bleeping criminal and that he still wants to be friends with easy child, but he doesn't think he'll be over here anymore. easy child responded that he's on probation and that I was just trying to keep him out of trouble, but that he got himself into more trouble.
Sigh.... Long, long night.
difficult child 2's mom said she's going to call me tomorrow (Sunday) to talk about the different mood stabilizers so that she has names of medications to talk to the psychiatrist about. I've been saying for months that the boy needs Lamictal - he's more on the depressive end. He definitely has the skewed thinking of one with bipolar and honestly doesn't think he did anything wrong and that I was overreacting by being out looking for him.
I hate mental illness.
difficult child 2 stayed with me last night and went to Homecoming with his girlfriend and was supposed to be home (with me) at 11:30pm.
He feels like no one trusts him (and we don't with good cause), but he's been trying so I tried to give him a little leeway. When he wasn't home at 12:05AM I called him (12AM is my curfew and the city's curfew for minors). Of course, he didn't answer which only means he's up to no good.
I called his mom and she didn't know where he was. While I was on the phone with her, she had her other son call difficult child 2's girlfriend to see if she knew where he was. She had to be home by 11:30 and she was (she doesn't drink or do drugs or get into trouble like difficult child 2). girlfriend told brother that difficult child 2 was out drinking with 2 friends M and W. Brother didn't know M's last name and that's supposedly the house they were at. He did know W's last name. difficult child 2's mom tried to call girlfriend, but girlfriend wouldn't answer.
So, I looked up the last name for W and found an address, but no phone number. It was now 12:15AM. Tried difficult child 2's cell again; no answer. His mom tried; no answer.
So, I get easy child out of bed and tell him we have to go track down and drag difficult child 2's [hiney] home.
We first went to W's house (at least we thought/hoped it was W's house). Lights were on, but nobody answered. We then went to girlfriend's house. Lights were on, but nobody answered.
We waited a few minutes, called difficult child 2's mom, then easy child called girlfriend's phone. She answered. She wanted to know who he was and he told her it wasn't important; that he just needed to know where difficult child 2 was. She told him he was with 2 friends, but she didn't know who. I had easy child give me the phone.
I told girlfriend that I knew that she had told brother that difficult child 2 was with M and W. And I said, "Here's the deal. If you don't tell me where difficult child 2 is so I can bring him home, I will violate his probation and he will go to jail. I'm not trying to be a B, but he's going to be 18 soon and it won't be juvy and drug and alcohol court anymore. It will be big boy jail." She gave me the address. I then told her that is she calls him and gives him a heads up and he's not there, that I'm going to violate him so it's not in his or her best interest to do that.
We get to the address. We can hear all kinds of voices inside and I'm pretty darn sure I heard difficult child 2. Knock on the door - the hard knock like cops always do. And we hear....THUMP THUMP THUMP...of kids running upstairs.
This man answers and he reeks of alcohol. I told him I needed difficult child 2. I must have had the Mom Look and the Mom Voice because he started to say ok and make me wait on the porch, but then let me in. There were several beer cans and a couple of bottles of whiskey on the table.
He called for difficult child 2. I told him he needed to get him before he bolted or I would be calling the police - he's serving alcohol to minors. (I don't about other states, but they're really cracking down on that here and he would go to jail.) At about that time, 2 kids came down and I don't know if it was because they saw me or easy child (cause easy child went to school with them), but one of them said "Holy Bleep". Then they tried to say that the alcohol was old and that it had been there a while.
I asked them if they thought I was stupid. I could smell it. And that I also could hear them thumping all the way up the stairs.
difficult child 2 comes down and wants to know what the big deal is. I was beyond livid at that point and went off. "Are you [bleeping] kidding me??? You were supposed to be home; you weren't. You didn't call. You didn't answer when I called. You didn't let anyone know where you were. And you're here drinking." I then told him he was leaving, to get in the car. He refused. I said, "You either get in the car or I'm calling the police. It's up to you."
He left the house and just kept going. I called the police about the residence - had to give them actual directions because they didn't know the address (don't know how). We drove around the complex trying to find difficult child 2 and saw the other 3 kids (another one came down just before difficult child 2 did) and we saw them going to the house that we went to first - W's house. So, I called the police back and let them know THAT address.
We keep driving around the complex looking for difficult child 2 and this guy walking a German Shepherd stops us. He asked if we're looking for a kid. I said that we were. He wanted to know why. That made me uncomfortable, but easy child said that the kid was really angry and in a rage and we were just trying to bring him home. He said he saw 3 kids and I said that he wasn't with those kids; that he was by himself.
Then a cop shows up and the guy with the dog waves toward him. We parked in case they wanted to talk to us, but then I told easy child to head that way. We stopped at the guy with the dog and I asked him if he was a cop. He said, "I may be." He smelled like he'd been drinking. And I was more than a bit freaked out. I told easy child to go. The guy said something and I said, "If you were a cop, you would have said so." He started to approach the car and I told easy child to GO. He probably was a cop - probably in the K-9 unit, but he creeped me out with the way he was acting and I don't know for sure that he is a cop, Know what I mean??
We find the uniform cop totally lost walking across the complex trying to figure out where he was going. We tell him how to get there. I asked him if that guy was a cop and told him what he said, and he said he might be; that a few cops live in that complex.
difficult child 2 calls his mom. He is totally not in his right mind. He is not on the right medications and I don't know why the psychiatrists won't put him on a MS. He's on 20mg (I think) Prozac and 5mg Zyprexa. He wouldn't tell her where he was...just that he was walking. Which will get him picked up because it's after curfew.
I'm talking off and on with his mom and he seemed to finally calm down and he told her he would be where he was going in 10 minutes and he would call her when he got that.
In the meantime, difficult child 2 texted easy child and told him that I treat him like a bleeping criminal and that he still wants to be friends with easy child, but he doesn't think he'll be over here anymore. easy child responded that he's on probation and that I was just trying to keep him out of trouble, but that he got himself into more trouble.
Sigh.... Long, long night.
difficult child 2's mom said she's going to call me tomorrow (Sunday) to talk about the different mood stabilizers so that she has names of medications to talk to the psychiatrist about. I've been saying for months that the boy needs Lamictal - he's more on the depressive end. He definitely has the skewed thinking of one with bipolar and honestly doesn't think he did anything wrong and that I was overreacting by being out looking for him.
I hate mental illness.
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