Family Pressure Cooker


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is you want nothing to do with your brother. But, you do want to continue a relationship with your parents.

If they are not OK with that, then you need to evaluate your needs again - can you go without being in your parents life? If not then figure out how you can work it out without GFGBRO being around. If parents can't agree to that, then you have no choice in the matter. You will have to keep the relationship with your parents to phone calls only.

No way should you have to subject yourself or your family to someone so abusive. Period. No wiggle room. He is NOT going to change.


Your brother the beancounter, should have been born to my mother-in-law, the beancounter. Then they'd all be happy.

Or, well, probably not. But it wouldn't be for the beans.

Hugs, girl. Stay strong.