First Full Week of the New Year - How's


Well-Known Member
your Healthful Living going?

:bigsmile: If you joined our group in the new year or made a recomittment this year, how did the first week go? Did you jump some hurdles? Did you stumble a little? Share your struggles and accomplishments with us......

My first week went well. I've been to the gym every day this week, and will hit the water fitness class at 6am this morning. I've done pretty well on my healthy eating and it actually feels good to be eating a little healthier again with more fruits and veggies after the holidays! Body feels like it's more in tune with it's natural cycle.

I hope your first week was a good one and that having this forum has helped!



Sharon, way to go on your return to healthful living in 2009! You are definitely one of the most disciplined people I know.

I'm pleased with what I accomplished this week. I worked out Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday and I'll go to a 20/20/20 class (that's 20 min cardio, 20 min weights, 20 min stretching) this morning at the gym. That fulfills my commitment to working out 5 days a week.

I also have tried to cut out lots of snacking between meals and make healthier choices for meals. It's making a difference -- the scale is down 1.5 pounds this morning!

Hope you've had a great beginning to the new year as well.


Active Member
Well I had the stomach flu - so healthy eating has been pretty easy. :) On the negative, I'm just too weak yet to get out for my walks. :(

I'm trying to switch from coffee (cream & sugar - probably 300 calories) to black tea in the morning. I figure I could drop 10 pounds in a year just making that simple change.

I want to make some simple, but long term changes to my life in 2009. I guess I think I have more chance of success in maintaining small changes that huge life altering changes.


Active Member
Way to go, girlfriends!

My biggest step forward has been setting daily goals here. My discipline in all areas of my life has slacked and it's really impacting me in all modes. I think I need to look into that book about clutter making my butt look fatter because I'm starting to think it's all related.


I agree SRL. For me also it's about control. It feels so good to start taking some of it back. When I can resist a donut, for example (Star I love them too) I feel like I've accomplished a great feat.

I'm so proud of all of you. You have hit the new year running. I have it at a fast walk, literally. My goal is to walk 10 miles a week. Dietwise, just trying to detox from holiday sweets and make better food choices. I want to read that book "I can make you thin"... can't remember the guy, but for me it is about chaning the head first. No weight loss but walking 10 miles this week has felt great :)
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I am conintuing to enjoy the new WW program (I freely admit that I am biased). I too think it is a matter of control...and do feel a lot of control at this time.

I have lost an additional pound this past week and my husband lost about 1.5 pounds additional. I have had difficult child and other stress, plus a health concern and to my surprise, did NOT go to the gym at all! I'm not happy about that. Usually, when things pile up on my plate, I just cut back on going to the gym...not let it go completely. I am going to have to do better with this. I think going in moderation is fine, if I honestly have too much going on as long as I eat well. in my humble opinion, it is the eating that pays the biggest dividends.

Anyone see the new sugar...think its called Truvia?? It is suppose to be healthier for you.


Well-Known Member
I heard about Truvia, and someone said it tastes exactly like sugar. I'm glad to see everyone is sticking to being healthy. I am as well, it's a good feeling. Honestly, sometimes I'm tired and don't feel like working out, but I tell myself, "You can do anything for one hour." And I can, and if you ever feel too tired, try that. -Alyssa


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

Sorry I'm so late to this. Glad to hear that everyone is either sticking with or renewing a commitment to healthy living. Sounds like you're all off to a great start for the new year.

I have been sticking to a (mostly) healthy eating regimen, and I'm proud to say that I have been able to stick to my No Cheesies resolution since September 2008. This is in a large part due to husband's diet. It's really cruel to sit there and pig out on cake and cookies when he's not even allowed to eat corn or carrots. We just don't have junk in the house, so I don't have the opportunity.

My big struggle right now is finding balance between work and everything else. The contract I was on last year had bouts of extreme busy-ness interspersed with lovely long calm periods when I had lots of time to pursue hobbies, do things and take care of myself.

This new contract is a constant treadmill of busy. It's not (quite) overwhelming, but it is a lot. I feel as though I'm just working all the time and can't carve out time to do anything other than that. I know that what I have to do is just...get up from my desk and go for a walk at lunch. Or go home and put on the Latin Dance DVD that husband gave me for Christmas. Or shovel the driveway. Or walk down the hill to the supermarket, and then back up with the groceries.

There are so many small, easy things I can do to build exercise into my day. I'm just struggling with it.

I'll have to think on it for a while. I don't think it's depression, because I bounce out of bed rarin' to go. I don't think it's lack of motivation. Maybe I'm just letting my job consume me...not the best approach to balance...

Any and all suggestions are welcome ladies. This is an issue I've always struggled with.
