First Lay Off


Well-Known Member
Hound.......contratulations on joining the workforce again. You are awesome and represent the true American spirit. I hope you'll be getting an IRS refund this year so you'll have a nestegg for 2014. We're all on your side. DDD


Well-Known Member
I cannot understand how you can't get Medicaid, honestly, how is that in the U.S? If you were in prison you could get free medical care, right? And you're not even in prison!!!! There are so many workers are in your incme range. I wish I would live near a great fishing spot, I love fish and I love the water, I don't know how to fish but how hard is it? I do like to can veggies though. I know that saves me money. I made beets last summer and now I made some today and for $4.50, I made another 6 months worth, I eat these every day.

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