I don't do just the medication that was perscribed to help him get work done, and to give him an extra minute to think during challenging times.
We see a pediatric behaviorist psychiatric once a month.
He sees a therapist every other week for the PTSD.
He attends a weekly theraputic after school program for social skills and other stuff.
Plus the school psychiatric he sees once a week.
Are there other interventions I should be looking into?
Your doctor doesn't have him on anything for the PTSD? We just saw a psychiatric last Thursday for PTSD/ADD/ADHD, etc... and daughter is now on 10 mg of Ritalin in the AM and 10 mg of Paxil in the PM with dinner. It has made a world of difference! I have not had to remind her to get her blue slips signed daily or to get new ones. No calling her 3 times when I need her. She is quick to jump into things and do her chores. She lied the other day and I waited a day and then went and talked to her and she readily admitted that she had lied. This is a child that a week ago would have just looked at me like I was speaking a second language when I asked her something. She got her homework done in like 3 hours the other night (after breaking for dinner as well), and that was with 3 or 4 different subjects, when before it would take her 4 hours with just one subject before!
I hope you find some answers because I know what it is like. Very frustrating! Good Luck!