For Pootie


Well-Known Member
We have a pack like that, but I never thought of filling it with puppies! husband will just love this idea! NOT!


call 911
Deawrest Cwoe -

I wished dat was my Momma and I noze she wubs me, but mean peeples takked me away frum my Momma too soon and nowz I gots issuze. Mah GranMomma sez it nufin we cant works frew.

My Daddie foun' me chain to a tree, wif no fudz or waterz at free wieks old. Ir swuz so skeeried at nite cuz I had no bwankets or ruuf. den it raiened weally bad and I had to sitz on dat chain wet wif fire ants biting me. My Daddy is my hero eben if Grrrrramma sez he dumb dumb sum time.

But I all bettew now.....

Tanks for da peeeekshure....she's a pritty Mommy....wish dat was me in the knapsak.

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