Girl Drama


Well-Known Member
Why?!?! Why do adolescent girls pull this junk with each other?!?!?! When does it stop?!?!?! And should I invest in a winery to get through it?!?!?!?!



Well-Known Member
I found the best thing to do was step away -- they all go through it, some more than others, but they always come out the other side! Unless there is a specific safety concern, my best advise would be to let her handle it and enjoy your wine!



Well-Known Member
Oh, I agree, LDM. Duckie has two groups of friends and they're fighting with her stuck in the middle. I'm not taking sides and just keep telling her not to get involved in the rumors and nasty talk and definitely not repeat a word she hears. She needs to be neutral like Switzerland.


Well-Known Member
I think this girl drama must start very early because Keyana is already starting to complain about some girls in her school are "annoying" her. LOL. That was her word. With her accent I had to ask her was it annoying or ignoring...lmao. I am not looking forward to the next years. Tony swears that when she hits 13 she will be heck on wheels. I dont think it will take that long.


Active Member
Unfortunately, I remember girl drama all too well! I suggest wine for you and chocolate for Duckie. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Neutral like Switzerland is a great stance for Duckie to take. AND Swiss chocolate is lovely, and might help the situation.
And yes, a winery is always helpful with girl junk.

Honestly, I don't think girl junk waits around for puberty. I see it in the park sometimes with Tyrantina and the other little girls. I think it just gets worse, what with hormones and a teenage vocabulary.


Well-Known Member
Well, Duckie is pretty low today. One group dropped her after the other group let the first group know a few off hand comments she'd made (they all do it, apparently). She's lost friends on one side and can't trust the girls on the other side.


Active Member
That bites. I am so sorry. She has had to learn a crummy lesson on teen girls and trust. Hopefully it will all blow over during the summer, and by the time school starts all will be forgotten and all the girls will be on friendly terms.


Well-Known Member
been there done that, more than once. I think this is why difficult child choose being alone more often than hanging out.


Well-Known Member
Summer just started here. She jokingly asked if she could be homeschooled for 7th grade rather than go through another school year of this. :( And she opted for "pity pizza" instead of chocolate. Wild mushrooms and asiago from a nearby upscale bistro.


Active Member
TM, I will swear to the day I die that middle school girls are the vilest creatures on earth. 14 yr olds to be specific. Even my easy child would come home and cry, and she is the most laid back person I have ever met. (And, that is why the majority of easy child's friends are guys.) by the way, tell her she has awesome taste in pizza. Sounds super yummy.


Well-Known Member
She jokingly asked if she could be homeschooled for 7th grade rather than go through another school year of this
That was a bad year for us too. Unfortunately, so was Grade 8. After that, it got a LITTLE better... partly because HS is much bigger, so there's a bigger pool of people to get to know.


Well-Known Member
TM, I agree. Duckie has great taste in pizza.

As for the girl junk, here's the time when her acting ability comes to the forefront. The key is for her to act as if she doesn't care at all, no matter how badly she's feeling inside. The Mean Girls' power comes from believing that everyone wants to be in their in-crowd. If Duckie acts as though she can take them or leave them, she'll be in a stronger social position. She's already learned what they're made of, so this is another step.

You couldn't pay me to live through that age again.