Goals for Wednesday


Today I plan to:
See my personal trainer for an hour so I will definitely work out!
Bake oatmeal cookies for the kids' school lunches
Declutter part of our basement for the thrift shop that is doing pickups in our neighborhood
Make dinner this morning because we have a busy afternoon with religious school and J's psychiatrist appointment

That should do it for today!


Active Member
I wish my thrift shop would pick up--that would be handy! Yesterday I went to deliver a load and found they had so much overflow still outside with bad weather and came home with it still in my van.

Today's goals:
1) I have cookie dough in the fridge that must be used today. (thanks for the reminder)
2) Pick up my daughter for lunch/or bring her a lunch as she had a tooth extracted yesterday.
3) Laundry--sheets and blankets from one of the beds
4) Go for a walk--I need to get this body moving again!
5) Write and mail bills
6) Stay flexible with my plans as my neighbor will have her first day home alone with a new baby and just had a C-section Friday.


I will walk at least 2 miles over lunch today.

I have to meet with the HR folks regarding a personnel matter/investigation. I don't want to get anyone in trouble but I may know some things that I'm obligated to spill. Ugh.

I'm running late for work... I'll check in tonight. Hugs, ML
I have very simple goals for today as I haven't been feeling well - Another sinus infection or the other one never totally went away - Not sure which but am back on antibiotics, sudafed, etc...

Today's Goals:

Eat healthy, drink lots of water, green tea.

Walk on my treadmill for at least half an hour.

Do several loads of laundry.

Brush and comb my favorite "sanity saver"

Try to RELAX a bit before having to pick up difficult children at school.



Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. Hope you're all having success getting through your lists today.

My goals for today are:

1) Write that dratted client report. The one due on Jan 10th. I am determined not to let this one get ahead of me, the way I did with the last one.
2) Go out for a walk at lunch.
3) Pick up my favourite boots from the shoe repair.



Well-Known Member
For today the list is:

- one hour of water fitness class
- about 7 phone calls
- clean out my gift wrap messy room
- straighten upstairs
- saute more chicken - the kids went through a weeks worth already!
- get baked spag prepped and in the fridge
- be done with that list by 2:20

The first one is done, the second is half done, and I'm on my way up the stairs now to get number three and four done!!!!

Good luck with your lists!



Active Member
Today's goals:
1) I have cookie dough in the fridge that must be used today. (thanks for the reminder) Done, only because I knew I had to answer to the board!
2) Pick up my daughter for lunch/or bring her a lunch as she had a tooth extracted yesterday. Done
3) Laundry--sheets and blankets from one of the beds Did one blanket
4) Go for a walk--I need to get this body moving again! Nope--5 degree wind chill
5) Write and mail bills Yup
6) Stay flexible with my plans as my neighbor will have her first day home alone with a new baby and just had a C-section Friday. I took her some muffins and fruit slush and visited for a while


Well-Known Member
My goals for today are:

1) Write that dratted client report. The one due on Jan 10th. I am determined not to let this one get ahead of me, the way I did with the last one.
2) Go out for a walk at lunch.
3) Pick up my favourite boots from the shoe repair.


Didn't get a single one of these done. But, the upside is that I accomplished a whole other set of items that I wasn't expecting to tackle for a few weeks yet. So...switching my lists around.
