Good Grief! Paris is out of jail...


New Member
Looks like the judge felt the same way she is to appear back before him monday morning. God I hate thes hollywood types that think they are better than everyone else and entitled to litterally get away with murder. It makes my skin crawl. -RM


Active Member
what kills me is that she was released due to her "almost having a nervous breakdown" grrrr
a lot of those in jail feel like that. let her try to seek and get mental health help there! this case so angers me and I hope she goes back!


New Member
Another vote for her going back. I'll bet that Judge looked like a difficult child in meltdown mode when he found out that the Sheriff's Dept. had released her. Would give a buck to have seen that!

Yeah, I'm sure I would have a hard time dealing with the 8 x 5 cell and a one-inch mattress,too - and I don't have a wait staff and chauffer service. Perhaps she should have thought about that before continuously breaking the law?? Just a thought.

Bet any one of us would be doing the time, that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
If I can ever retire I really think I am going to become an Advocate for fairness in the Judicial system. Not just because
of Paris but because the whole blankin' system in nuts. I still
haven't gotten over the shock of them taking easy child/difficult child out of his bed following brain surgery, for heavens sake, and off to the jail because he missed an appointment when he was inintensive care???????? OMG! This situation is insane! DDD


New Member
DDD when you are ready give me a call. I'll advocate right along side you. The thing is, even where there are mandatory sentencing laws fairness does not always come into play. -RM


Well-Known Member
OK, they put her back in jail. I have to admit that I feel badly
for her Mom. Those of us who have had to watch strangers take
our difficult children away and out of sight...well, I'm sincerely sorry that
her Mom has to deal with it. on the other hand, drugs and alcohol are no laughing matter and she easily could have killed someone and not
have a chance to get out for decades. I hope she "gets it" after
this experience and changes her ways. DDD


I saw her mom speak after the first sentencing hearing - when Paris was first told that she would, indeed, be spending time in jail - and her mom was just infuriated and said it was ridiculous. I don't have much sympathy for that kind of attitude.

There was so much public outcry that I don't think they had a choice but to put her back in jail. People were calling into the radio stations here last night, ranting and raving. And Paris was worried about people's perception of her before this latest fiasco (according to her attorney's statement anyway). She needs to spend some time in the real world.


Well-Known Member
A poll on the website of one of our local TV stations was asking if you thought she should go back to jail - 94% said "YES"! The other 6% are probably all those adolescent girls who look to her as a role model!

I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for her! She had every opportunity to prevent this from happening and she didn't. And she didn't even have the sense to say what they wanted to hear! She should have been groveling and apologizing, even if she didn't mean it! Before she was sentenced to jail time (the first time) they mentioned the many letters they had sent her and asked if she had read them ... she stuck her nose in the air and replied that she "had people who did that FOR HER" :cool:! Yep! I'd say she badly needs a dose of reality! :shocked:


And a word to the wise ... when going to jail, all the screaming and wailing and crying for your mommy while being dragged off by deputies is NOT something that is going to elevate your social standing with your fellow inmates ... they have TVs in there too, you know!