Good Middle of the Week Morning!!!


Well-Known Member
:smile: Good Morning!

Hard to believe it's Wednesday already - those holiday Mondays do wonders for a short week!

I'm spending another day here at the house. I did six loads of laundry yesterday!!!! I am hosting the last PTA board meeting here at my house next Tuesday - I'm going to putz around for that and put away all that laundry from yesterday.

easy child and difficult child appear to be doing well. We are definately on the school countdown. Three weeks from now we will be sitting in the sand :wink:

Have a great day.



Good morning everyone.

Sharon, glad easy child and difficult child are doing well. You sound excited for school to be over.

We're starting the school countdown here, too. difficult child 1 has his "moving up" ceremony (going from 8th grade to high school) tomorrow night. He ends school next Thursday. easy child/difficult child 2 has her promotion ceremony (6th grade to middle school) on June 13. She's done with school after the ceremony, and easy child/difficult child 3 is finished the following day. If we could only do away with all the final projects and big tests before then, I'd be one happy momma.

My day sounds similar to yours. My minivan has to go in for regular maintenance today so I'll be spending the morning at home playing phone call and paperwork catchup (may throw some laundry in there, too). I just hope the minivan is ready in time for carpools this afternoon.

Have a peaceful day. Hi to anyone who snuck in.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good Morning,

Sharon-Three weeks and you'll be sitting on the beach! It sounds heavenly :angel:Glad both kids are doing well!

Smallworld-Sounds like you have a busy couple of weeks before school lets out! I hope the van is done in time for the car pooling.

difficult child is up and grouchy! He should be asleep for another hour at least! Another day of work ahead and after that a trip to the health club.

I hope everyone enjoys a peaceful day! Hi to anyone who snuck in. :flower:


Well-Known Member
Good morning. :coffee:
LDM- It sounds like you have a pleasant day planned. :smile:
Smallworld- Fingers crossed that the minivan is ready on time. :angel:
Sharon- I hope difficult child snaps out of it! Have fun at the gym. :warrior:
I have a day of running errands & housework. I was going to clean tomorrow when I was stuck at home waiting for the repairman for my washer but husband informed me that father in law is coming over tonight to watch the Stanley Cup Finals tonight. Ugh! :hammer:
Have a great day. Hi to anyone that snuck in. :salute:

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Good morning friends,

Sharon - I'm all off because of the holiday. I have those 6 same loads of laundry to put away.

smallworld - a day of no running is always good.

Sharon, hope difficult child makes it through the day - even if grouchy. by the way, I invested in room darkening shades for kt & that's helped her sleep pattern - have you tried that for difficult child?

kt is up & ready for school bus to arrive (in 15 minutes). husband will be off to work shortly & it occurs to me that I will, on a regular basis, have the house to myself for several hours daily. I'm not exactly sure how to handle something like this. I'll get used to it though.

My day includes a bit of laundry, lots of paperwork & a doctor's appointment for myself.

Enjoy your day!


New Member
Sharon, happy to hear easy child and difficult child are doing well. In the midst of getting all the laundry put away don't forget some "me" time in there.

smallworld, sounds like everyone is getting ready for the end of school. How exciting it must be for your two that are moving up in high school and middle school.

Sharon, hope difficult child's grouchiness don't last too long. Hope you have a great day.

Middle of the week cleaning here and an appointment for my medication management, always a fun trip. not.

Hope everyone enjoys there day and it's as stress free as possible.
Hi to anyone who snuck in.


Active Member
G'day, all.

LDM/Sharon, six loads of laundry! I thought it was a bit much today, doing three! But they ARE big loads, in my machine. Rather you than me, hosting ANY PTA meeting at home. I'd never get the blood out of the carpet. You'll be needing that beach holiday after that. While you're at the beach, we'll be shivering in snow in NZ.

Smallworld, I hope difficult child 1 finds high school not too much hassle. Same with easy child/difficult child 2, for middle school.

Sharon, sorry you had a rough start this morning with a grouchy difficult child. I hope he eases off in a while.

TM, sounds like one of those days. And a thoroughly blokey evening. I'm with you - yuk!

Linda, enjoy your personal space. Knowing you, you'll soon find something to fill in the time.

Joanne, hope your day pans out better than you expect.

Sounds like you all are in the wind-down for end of school year. We're not quite halfway through ours. Our first semester finishes at the end of June. difficult child 3 changes some subjects then, including geography. If they don't hurry up and post him some work, it will never get done. At this stage, it's looking like we'll have to visit the school on Friday to collect work that hasn't arrived. I don't want to go away without the last of difficult child 3's geography - he has an entire topic area to cover. We have two more mail deliveries before we leave. We still have about four subjects with insufficient work. Some I'm prepared to leave, especially since I have tried to organise it. Not sure what's going on - generally the teachers are really on the ball.

Like a lot of you, today was a housework and tidying day. Loads of washing, ready to pack. We'll not be able to do washing for the first five days, so I don't want to be carting too much dirty laundry. I've packed more food in the freezer, after that the kids are on their own. I suspect they won't eat any of the curry I've frozen. I got some pansies planted in mother in law's big planter pots, so she has a bit of colour outside her front door to cheer her up. Now they're planted they have a chance of surviving - I'm sure the kids won't water my plants enough. The kids have so much to do - water my plants (which involves buckets of water, the hose is not permitted except on Wednesday night and Sunday night), feed the chooks and the budgies, keep themselves fed and the house moderately respectable. And to help them do this, there's still a few items to buy to stock up. We're almost ready, Friday is going to be busy.

difficult child 3 worked well today on his schoolwork - here's hoping tomorrow is as good. I want to post another envelope of completed work before we leave. While he's working tomorrow I'm going to begin packaging up the 'portable schoolroom'. His usual briefcase won't cut it - it's falling apart. Could be one more thing to buy on Friday - a safe carry case for difficult child 3's schoolwork and the Alphasmart. I DO have a cheap plastic box which maybe husband could fit into his backpack... hmm, time to talk to the old man. His last day at work tomorrow (Thursday). He'll undoubtedly be home late, tidying up loose ends so the place can run in his absence.

Getting excited now! Only 5 more sleeps! Oh, and I did post our itinerary for New Zealand in Watercooler, for those who want to come along on a virtual tour.



Former desparate mom
Good Morning my friends. We are about ready to build an arc. It is again raining. :smile: It's a good thing but pretty unusual.

Sharon, have beach dreams. It gives us something to look forward to. Those six loads must have migrated duplicated. I think I am on load 10. The party, weekend guests and difficult child's vacation duffel all contribute to the loads. Would you mind stopping by to put away my laundry too?.

Smallworld, enjoy the moving up ceremony.

Wiped out sorry to hear difficult child is up and grouchy. Makes for a long morning.

TM, enjoy the Stanley Cup. LOL.

Linda, enjoy the time to be productive. I love my quiet time in the house. I get so much done, so quickly.

Joanne, sounds like a productive day.

Marguerite, I'm sure you are excited about your holiday. Always seems like a lot of work beforehand though doesn't it?

I am the proud parent of all post high school kids. easy child graduated yesterday. It was good. He worked hard and overcame some obstacles but he is fairly resiliant.
We are packing up to leave today for his summer job. I am towing a car which will be a new experience. Have a good thought for a safe trip for the kids and myself. easy child has initiated the next step towards independence with 10wks of apartment living and working.
I plan to return by Sunday night. Next week I plan to do nothing but relax. It's been a heck of a whirlwind these last 3 or 4 wks.
I think easy child is in for some great life lessons.

difficult child returned from his vacation. I think his friend and friend's parents were pretty impressed at how well he is doing emotionally. Much more even tempered and capable. The mom even asked difficult child what he attributed his turn around to. ( in the back of my mind I'm thinking it's a big stick that turned him around. Just kidding) He has grown up, matured a little more and had some serious consequences to his behavior. It's no one magic bullet. Just a combination. He still has a long way to go but it was good to hear how different he is from a year ago. I tend to forget. He did well and is helping around the house today while I pack. Work starts on Friday again.

I'll be off line for a while. See you all next week.