Good Morning Monday


Active Member
G'day, folks.

We had an interesting day today. I went to the funeral this morning, of a lady from church. She was a fairly abrasive person but matter-of-fact. I liked her but could see that she could be scary for some people. But the church was packed by the time I got there, and I was right on time. More people flowed in, people were parking streets away. difficult child 3 had sent his condolences. She used to be his Scripture teacher some years ago, she always asked after him and seemed to have a better understanding of him than most people. Turned out (I didn't know) she had been trained as a teacher before she and her husband became missionaries.

I'm glad difficult child 3 didn't come to the funeral - it was crowded, the wake afterwards was packed, difficult to move. So I passed on our condolences to the family, and left.

Back home I got difficult child 3 doing some schoolwork, then we went to the beach mid-afternoon. The king tides had almost submerged the b each this morning (judging by the lack of footprints) but by this afternoon the tide was well out, difficult child 3 was wading where he normally is way out of his depth. We looked at the denizens of the rock wall that are generally never exposed by the usual tides, difficult child 3 was very interested.

We got home, to be met by daughter in law's mother who had dropped in "on spec". So we sat, had coffee, talked (about daughter in law mostly) and then when she left I got back to my tasks. Right before the beach visit, I had dropped a diamond earring down the plug hole, and had stopped to rescue it. To do this I had to empty the bathroom cupboard and I had just left it all, expecting to get right back to it on our return. So I showered, tidied, cleaned and then dressed again.

Tomorrow is forecast to be even warmer than today, so hopefully we'll get in some more beach. difficult child 3 is now well-motivated to get A LOT of schoolwork done, even though it's still school holidays for us. So we'll work on it, try to fit it in around everything else. Summer is short enough! Wednesday & Thursday, we'll be too busy to get in much beach visiting, so we ned to get what we can while we can.

Enjoy your Monday, everyone.



Well-Known Member
Good morning Marg and all to follow.

Marg, sounds like you had an interesting and busy day. I agree with you. Summer is short enough, so enjoy every moment of it.

Today is going to be crazy-busy. Last week's "meetings" with myself worked a treat for the first half of the day, and I was able to get buckets of work done. But...I had to go back to my desk to fetch some paperwork, and got dragged into 2 team meetings that killed off the afternoon.

I want to be at my desk by 6 am today, so that I can have 2 or 3 uninterrupted hours to work before the madding crowds start pouring in. Hopefully I'll meet my deadlines.

Other than that, Little easy child started his new season of swimming, and difficult child is starting a sensory therapy program at Residential Treatment Center (RTC) this morning, that includes Shiatsu massage and Qigong (which is like Tai Chi, but involving more stillness, as I understand). I'm envious. I wish I could do that too.

Have a good day everyone!



Well-Known Member
:coffee: Good No Meltdown Monday Morning!!!!

Marg, I would vote for hitting the beach whenever the chance arrises as well!

Running a tad late this morning. Need to be at the gym and in the water by 6. I'm trying to chug a mug of coffee real quick!!!

I hope your Monday is a good one - remind the difficult children about the No Meltdown part :tongue:.



Good Morning All! Hope everyone has a GREAT day!
Meetings For me and therapy for difficult child 3. I hate Mondays esp when they are 26 degrees. I long to stay in bed not wait outside for difficult child 2's bus!
Marg - I love to hear about warm days and hope Summer will
be here soon!
Trinity-Hope u get lots of work done today!
Sharon - Hope u have a great day!
Sending Hugs To All Rabbit


Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good Morning,

Marg-You know I would vote for hitting the beach as often as possible. I'm glad you are enjoying some warm temps. It's nice to know that someone is right now especially as we head into our bitter cold week.

Trinity-Wow-your work does sound crazy busy! I hope easy child enjoys the swimming and difficult child's sensory therapy sounds nice.

Sharon-Enjoy your water class and have a great day!

Rabbit-I hope your Monday goes fast since you don't like them so much. I don't either!

Should be an interesting day as difficult child's school has an early dismissal that wasn't on the calendar. That means he'll arrive at my school while I still have an hour and 15 minutes left to teach. I'm going to see if someone who has planning time could find some work for him to do-he loves being a helper most of the time!

After work difficult child has a therapy appointment. I should get home by 6:30 if everything goes well but we are under a winter weather advisory for up to 5 inches of snow so we'll see. Then the week of bitter cold temps are to begin. Tuesday-Saturday they are predicting horrible wind chills.

Wishing everyone a peaceful day.:peaceful:


New Member
Marg - Sounds like a pretty relaxing weekend, other than the funeral. The beach definitely makes me very jealous.:) It's 23 F here.

Trinity - Here's hoping you have the productive week you want to have.

Sharon/LDM - Have a great time exercising.

Rabbit - Good luck with your meetings and therapy.:)

WO - I hope everything gets coordinated. We had a winter weather advisory Friday and it wasn't as bad as they were forecasting.

I'm at work today, dreading the fact that the principal and my child's teacher are supposed to meet today, without me, about how to discipline him for last week.:/


New Member
Good Morning from Ohio! It snowed last night a little - just enough to cover the grass. It's about 26 degrees here now.

I slept in and am taking difficult child to school shortly. Only 1 meltdown so far about getting dressed. The weekend was a rough one. difficult child and husband were at it constantly fighting. I think husband had a meltdown of his own and just couldn't deal. difficult child had a meltdown Saturday because husband insisted that he go to the store with us. ARG We have therapy tonight.....

Anyways, here's to a new week.......:peaceful:


Active Member
Good morning all!

I have to leave in about 5 minutes so can't address each of you.

We have a blizzard warning NE and W of us heading our way. I hope to meet with my supervisor regarding contracts (we may yet get these done!). I think schools may be out early? I am so glad I got 9 hours of work in this weekend. Not only did it help in the catch up but now I will not be under pressure to not get to school if we do have snow days this week.

I hope the weather settles this evening and the freeway is good tomorrow morning. I will have to leave here 7:00 am to get to Fargo by 8:30 (that gives me 1/2 hour to take my time. I am thinking about canceling that 9:00 am appointment (remind me not to make early morning appts in the winter when I have to travel 60 miles.)

difficult child does not want to go to school today. Not total refusal, just like me, when you think there will be a snow day and it doesn't happen, it is hard to get out the door. He is just dragging a little. He should be excited after I remind him of his New York trip. As a 6th grade graduation gift, his aunt and uncle will be taking him to New York. I need to check with his teacher to see if there is anything important going on at school the one day he would miss.

Everyone have a great day. Find away to make your difficult child laugh.


Well-Known Member
Gosh, reading all your notes exhausts me!
I love your notes about the beach, Marg.
So sweet of you to go to the funeral.
The therapy program sounds neat, Trinity.
Sharon, you mean, 6 AM????? Ugh.
Stay warm, Rabbit. :)
WipedSharon, I hate it when days like that happen! It's always on a day when I think I can paint and write for hrs. Sigh.
Artana, I've got my fingers crossed for the absentee mtng. Gulp. I just hope it doesn't mean difficult child gets sent home to you. That's punishing the parent. :(
4timmy, glad you were able to sleep in. Only 1 meltdown getting dressed? Good. We are past the dressing-meltdown stage.
Now, difficult child is just plan grumpy and mean all the time. Don't know what's up with-that. I was glad to see him go out the door this a.m.
My handyman will be here any sec. to fix the awning that broke in last wk's waterspout/tornado, and several other things. We can't really afford it, but we can't afford not to. You know how that goes.
Welcome, everyone else who snuck in!
Good morning! It's Monday morning so can anticipate having difficulty getting the cubs up and moving. difficult child was very restless last night and this morning, I found him sleeping in the guest bed in the office. Guess he woke up early, tried to entertain himself, and then went to sleep here. Can't see that this night of broken sleep is going to do much for his day in school, but can hope for the best. He had a surprisingly good week at school last week; guess he missed the structure of school or something. Hope everyone has a good day!